First Mission

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Upon entering Panorama City, the team was met with citizens running for their lives as Nighlok were attacking the city. Rebecca looked towards the others. "Spread through the area," She ordered. "Make sure the citizens are safe." She added. All the rangers agreed and went separate ways to cover more ground.

Zeke quickly found the civilian he was looking for. The civilian was cornered against a building. Zeke went over to him and tried to comfort him. "Hey, everything's gonna be alright..." He spoke soothingly. But the civilian was too afraid to respond. "Look out!" The civilian warned. Zeke turned to see a Nighlok coming right at them. Zeke acted quickly and used his Magi Staff to send a blast of lightning onto the Nighlok.

Meanwhile, Tommy and Jen worked together to take down a group of Nighlok surrounding them. They used their weapons to strike in any way they could, but were falling short in the fight. "What if we used a combined attack?" Tommy asked Jen. "We're not the same type of rangers," Jen replied. "Are you sure it's safe?" She questioned. "Not really," Tommy answered. "But it's worth a shot to try." He added. Jen wasn’t sure it would work but knew that there wasn't muchof an option.

"Let's do it," Jen said. The two rangers got into position to use there attack. "Gears of fury," They called out as an energy surrounded them. "Shift Overdrive!" They shouted as gear shaped energy shot around them, destroying the Nighlok surrounding them. "Holy shit, that actually worked." Jen said in realization.

Rebecca and Ryan started to fight together but got separated with the attacks. Rebecca used her Dragonblade to release an attack while Ryan prepared one of his discs. Ryan inserted the disc in the sword and spun it to activate its power. "Spin Sword, blazing strike!" He shouted before swinging the sword as a flame struck down the Nighlok. "Great save, Ryan," Rebecca commented before noticing an energy blast heading towards them. "Look out!" She called out as she placed the Dragonblade in front of them. The Dragonblade generated a shield from the Dragonzord coin, stopping the energy blast on impact. "Good thinking." Ryan stated as he looked around. "Yeah, thanks." Rebecca said while processing what had happened. Ryan noticed the Nighlok who sent the attack and ran towards it. "I've got this one," He assured Rebecca. "Go help the others." He stated.

Rebecca agreed and raced to another area to find Zeke fighting more Nighlok. "Hey, dragon girl," Zeke called out. "How about a crossover?" He asked. Rebecca looked at him with hesitation. "What's the plan?" She asked. "Don't have one." Zeke responded. Rebecca became irritated at this as she held off the Nighlok. "Seriously, why would you not have a plan for this?" She questioned. "Oh come on," Zeke said as he continued to fight off the Nighlok. "Do you ever not have a plan?" He asked. "Not if I want to live," Rebecca commented. "I grew up training to survive, not play around." She stated.

Zeke then noticed the energy coming from the Dragonblade. "Wait, I think I've got it." He said as he generated lightning from his Magi Staff. He blasted the lightning towards Rebecca, who instantly blocked the attack. "What the hell are you doing?!" She exclaimed. Before Zeke could explain, the lightning merged with the Dragonblade's energy, turning into a green flame. Rebecca noticed this and decided to try it out. "Mystic dragon, hellfire blaze!" She called out as the flames consumed the Nighlok.

Once most of the Nighlok were gone, the group met up near the center of town. "I think we’ve got all of them," Jen stated. Tommy then looked around, seeming confused. "Wait, where's Ryan?"  He asked. Before anyone could react, a group of new monsters appeared that Rebecca recognized. "Putties, seriously," She questioned. "At least these things are quick." She stated. "What do you mean?" Tommy asked. "Just aim for the massive Z on their chest." Rebecca stated before fighting a Putty and slamming her fist onto the chest Z, shattering the Putty instantly. Each member of the rangers then used whatever they could to destroy the remaining Putties. "Okay, that was surprisingly fast." Zeke said.

Just as they finished, Ryan had caught up with everyone. Rebecca looked at him in relief. "Thank god you're okay," She stated. "Did you get the Nighlok?" She questioned. Ryan nodded as he looked at Rebecca. "I handled it." He replied. This however was half true. Right after Rebecca left Ryan with the Nighlok, Ryan had fought in order to keep his cover, but also has a chat with the new Nighlok.

"I already told Xandred," Ryan stated. "No one interferes with ny strategies." He threatened as he began to attack. The Nighlok was covered in a hood, hiding it's appearance as it fought. As the two fought, it became clear that this Nighlok actually had the same combat level as Ryan. "Xandred’s really stepping up his game," Ryan stated before pointing his blade at the Nighlok as his team surrounded it. "Who are you?" He questioned.

The Nighlok looked around at the rangers as they prepared themselves. The was still for a moment before summoning it's sword and removing the hood to reveal itself. Ryan looked at the Nighlok in surprise. "Deker, but that's impossible," He stated in shock. "He was struck down by a Samurai Ranger years ago." He explained to the team as they fought.

Despite being five against one, Deker was able to fight against all at once. Deflecting attacks while using some of his own to hold off each member. At one point, Deker's blade started to glow before he slammed it to the ground, causing the rangers to be knocked down by a massive energy. The impact forced the rangers to demorph as they hir the ground.

After getting to their feet, Deker knocked Ryan’s sword from his hand and then grabbed his shoulder, a strange glow appeared in both of their eyes. Jen noticed Ryan trying to pull away from Derek's grip and grabbed her blaster that had fallen off her suit. Despite how she felt, Ryan was still her teammate. Jen fired at Deker a few times, hitting him repeatedly. Deker let go of Ryan as their eyes stopped glowing. Ryan grabbed his sword and prepared to strike before watching Deker fade away as if he was never there.

Rebecca and the others all stood up, looking at each other. "Is everyone okay," She questioned. Everyone nodded, including Ryan, who seemed a bit out of it. "We're gonna need to have Alpha look at you when we get back to the Command Center." Rebecca stated. Ryan shook his head. "I'm fine." He said to her. Rebecca looked at him with a stern look. "It wasn't a suggestion," She replied. "That's an order, Ryan." She added. With that, the rangers left the site as they teleported to the Command Center.

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