Meeting the Rangers

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Centuries ago before the dawn of humankind itself, a great power planted itself into the universe as a way to protect what was to come. As humanity surfaced and evolved, the world came closer to discovering the energy hidden within the world, as well as the monsters who would come to retrieve and destroy it. Villains from Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd emerge from the dark dimension all the way to Evox from the Cyber Dimension.

With the emerging threats, numerous groups of heroes were formed to protect the world in the form of Power Rangers. They served as a symbol of hope for their world and refused to give up a fight to protect it. However after recent events a new threat emerged from the shadows...something stronger than before. Many past rangers have fallen like the world of one Lord Drakkon, although the world has yet to be enslaved by it. Original monsters have returned with the power of the new enemy and are more determined to get their hands on the Morphing Grid, the source of the rangers powers.

Present day Angel Grove...

A 17 year old girl named Rebecca Oliver was training at the Angel Grove Youth Center. She was new to town although everyone assumed her life story through her name. To the world she was the daughter of Tommy Oliver, a man who went by many forms of rangers, when really there was more to it. Her past wasn't as simple as everyone thought. Throughout her life she had seen and done things that despite changing she didn't feel like forgiveness shouldn't have been an option. Yes she was the daughter of Tommy Oliver, but not the one everyone knew. For it was only a few weeks earlier that Rebecca walked throughout another city of Angel Grove...what was left anyway.

You see this wasn't the world we know, this was a reality where Angel Grove was put under mass destruction, enough to where rangers died and others hid while the world was being enslaved. The city had broken buildings and some places were even burst into flames, basically the look you'd expect from an apocalypse. Rebecca walked into a large building that was like a fortress and entered a room to see her father, Lord Drakkon.

"You wanted to see me father?" She asked calmly. Lord Drakkon looked at his daughter, the warrior he raised her to be. "Yes." He said. "I believe that with your time in your position you've proven yourself ready for an update." He said leaving the room. Rebecca followed him as he talked about everything he had told her growing up. "My apologies but do you happen to have anything that hasn't been said for my whole life?" Rebecca asked. Lord Drakkon looked at her sternly. "You are not to use that tone with me." He told her. "Understood." Rebecca said while hiding the feeling of fear of him.

He would later on send her on an undercover mission to get information on the rebellion against them, however this would not go as planned with one detail that wasn't expected...her father's doppelgänger. She learned of her father's true intentions and turned on him by joining the rebellion.

After the mission was done, Tommy let her come to his reality for a new start. Along with a new Tommy also gave her a special power coin with the power of the Dragonzord. "I-I can't take this." She said, trying to give it back. "What your father did isn't your fault." Tommy said. "You even turned your back on everything you knew to stop him." He reminded her. "That kind of courage is exactly what we need for a ranger." He said.

Present day Angel Grove...

Meanwhile, a 16 year old, Tommy Stewart was doing some schoolwork. Like his father, he has a high intelligence and is always getting his stuff done. As Tommy went to get something out of his bag, he felt something and pulled out a small object, a sort of key that was his father's.

A few years ago he had been walking home from school when a group of Piranhatrons attacked the city. Tommy ran to hide but ended up getting captured and held hostage by their leader, Divatox. It wasn't until his father revealed himself that he knew why. He came in as the blue ranger and after a while of fighting, he fell in front of Tommy, causing him to demorph. "Dad?" Tommy asked, confused. "Long story." His dad said before continuing the fight.

Over the next few years his father trained him for the day he would become a ranger. Unfortunately a few months earlier he had sacrificed himself in a battle, with the key being passed on when Tommy would need it. "Miss you dad." He said holding the key in his hand.

Present day San Angeles...

In another part of the world, a man watched as a black race car was being tested by 19 year old Jen Aston. "How's it feeling Jen?" The man asked over the headset. "Good, just wishing dad could see this." Jen replied before pulling in. Jen got out and removed her helmet.

"Listen Jen I understand if you wanna wait before getting on the track after what happened with your dad." The man said. "I appreciate that." Jen said. "That crash was hard to watch." She said messing with the bracelet her dad gave her. "You're a lot like him you know?" The man said with a chuckle before leaving. Jen chuckled and started leaving.

As she went to leave she saw something in the distance but couldn't make it out at first. She then used the telescopic vision inherited from her father and saw some strange purple energy and decided to go investigate.

Present day Briarwood...

17 year old Zeke Connors was playing a high speed game when his dad walked in. "Hey, got a late shift." He said. "You okay here?" He asked. "You got it pops." Zeke said not taking his eyes off the game. "No magic in the house again." His father said before leaving. "Sure thing." Zeke replied, not paying attention.

After a while Zeke got bored and had already forgotten what his dad had said and began using his magic. He was born with electric magic that was transferred from his father through his ranger abilities. Zeke didn't need a staff to use his magic since he could release it himself.

However even though he has the power, controlling it is another problem. As he was messing around he accidentally zapped the counter in the kitchen, leaving a burn mark. "Not again." He said before cleaning it up.

Suddenly each of them were transported to Panorama City. "Uh what just happened?" Jen asked. "Follow up question." She said seeing monsters appear. "What are those?" She asked as they started attacking. The group began to run when another person appeared being chased. "Guessing you guys aren't from around here." He said. "What gave it away?" Zeke asked with a laugh. "Lucky guess." The boy said.

"I'm sorry who are you?" Rebecca asked. "My name's Ryan Bushido." The boy replied. "And those things...were...Nighlok." He explained. Jen looked at the Nighlok and then Ryan. "What do you mean were Nighlok?" She asked. Just then a Nighlok pushed its hand forward and sent a massive purple energy blast towards them.

The blast nearly hit them but the impact made them fall to the ground. "Let's just say they couldn't do that before." Ryan said as everyone got back up. The Nighlok circled around them and made it impossible to run. Just then a strange glow appeared around them and the group was transported to an unknown place. "What's going on?" Tommy asked. "Who are you?" Zeke asked looking away from everyone else.

Everyone looked to see a Power Ranger with a Spider-Man style to his suit. "Good to see you made it here." The ranger said in an adult voice. "You have each been chosen for this fight." He said. "There is much to be done." He informed them.

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