Chapter Six.

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Ayat has been learning a lot from Kate. Now it has been a few months since she started interning for Naeem. He on the other hand had been trying to avoid Ayat because of what Kate said.

But Naeem couldn't help but think of the quote she told him. How did she know it?

Who was the girl that he meant all those years ago?

"Naeem, this arrived for you", Kate tells him interrupting his thoughts.

"Okay, did it say who it's from?", he asks.

"No, there's no sender's address", Kate tells him.

Naeem thanked her and she went back to work. He opened the package inside were some pictures of Layla and Jason plus Ayat's pictures.

There was a note inside that said;

"It is nice to see your family isn't it? Well, it is time for revenge, the revenge that should have happened years back. Be careful".

There was no sign on the note as it was typed and not handwritten.

How is Ayat involved in this?

Does she know them?

Why does this person have her picture?

What did he mean when he said that she is also family?

The only one who can answer these questions is her but first, I need sufficient proof that she might be involved with whoever this person is.

"Excuse me, Sir", a voice interrupted him. He looked up and saw that it was none other than Ayat.

"Am sorry to disturb you but Ms. Kate told me to tell you when the international investors have arrived. And they are in the conference room", she tells him.

Naeem looked at her, he wanted to say something, anything but he just nodded. Ayat turns to leave his office.

He walked out after putting the pictures and the note in a safe place. Naeem knew that Kate would never go through his things but he wasn't sure about Ayat.

She is a new trainee.

"Naeem, before you go in there. Can I have five minutes of your time?", Kate asks him.

"Sure. Tell me what is wrong?".

"I have to go away to visit someone. I was planning on leaving the coming Monday. I have to be sure that they aren't out yet and Ayat will be accompanying you to this meeting", Kate explained to him.

Naeem knew what she was talking about her ex-husband and Jason's father.

"Okay, take all the time you need and call dad or even mum," he tells her.

"Okay, thank you".

So much for avoiding.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen, how are you doing?", he greets the investors. They all gave their replies. Ayat walked in carrying folders which she began distributing to the investors.

"Hey, what's your name?", one of the investors asks her.

"Can we stick to the meeting, please?", Naeem interrupted him. As Ayat went to take a seat, Naeem pulled the chair closer to her.

"All the assistants, sit closer so they can take good notes", he whispered to her.

Ayat nodded and took her iPad so that she could take notes. 

She started taking notes when the meeting started. Ayat could feel Naeem staring at her but she didn't dare look up.

"Okay, what do you think?" one of the investors asked Naeem.

"I think you can come up with another great proposal. And this time don't come to the meeting to waste my time".

Naeem got up leaving the room. He knew that she would be right behind him.

I need to ask her before it is too late.

"Ms. Said follow me I have something for you to do", he tells her.

He waited until she walked into the office and locked the door. Naeem walked around his desk and took out Ayat's picture and the note.

"Do you know who would do this?", Naeem asks her.

Ayat took the note to read it, and on her other hand, she was given her picture.

"I am sorry, sir. But what is this?", she asks him.

"Are you sure you don't know who that is?".

"No, sir I don't know. It couldn't be my aunt or uncle. They are old and they are the only parents I have", she tried to explain.

"What do you mean?". Naeem asks her.

"Sir, my parents died when I was young. My aunt and uncle have been raising me since that day. They died in a car accident", Ayat explains to him.

"Okay, am sorry for your loss. Thank you. You can go back to work".

Ayat kept the picture and the note on top of his desk and walked out.

When she walked out, Naeem sat down knowing that she was innocent.

It isn't her.

Then who would it be?

unknown Pov.

"Be a little patience. You will soon find out who it is. I have all the time in the world. And I am coming for all of you. I suggested you better be prepared for what's coming or should I say who".

Let the game start. 

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