Bonus Chapter One.

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Four Months Later.

When you lose someone you love, is like losing yourself in the process but what we don't know is that we will always have their memories inside our hearts and our minds.

It has been four months since Ayla and Hamza were born but unfortunately for Grandma Ayla, her health was deteriorating faster than any of her family members would think.

"Mom, are you alright? Do you need anything else?", Nayla asks her mother who is in bed. She held her tears knowing that her mother was very sick.

"Nayla, come here my child", Ayla called her to sit beside her. "Remember when you were young and scared of the dark and I always tell you to read your duas as they will help you in everything. Now I will tell you the same thing my daughter, pray and read your duas for me", she tells her daughter.

Nayla began reading them for her mother while trying to hold her tears inside her. But she couldn't control them as they fell on her mother's hand as they were holding her own.

She couldn't hold it in any longer as she pulled herself into her mother's arms crying uncontrollably for her.

"That's enough, Nayla. I am fine Alhamdullilah. So enough with the tears. Could call my grandkids in? All four of them", Ayla tells her.

Nayla got up and went to the living room calling them. Jason was holding Layla in his arms while Naeem was doing the same with Ayat.

The four walk hand in hand into Ayla's room. They found Ayla smiling at them.


"Come in and sit beside me", She motioned to them as she patted the bed.

All four of them sat down near her as she smiled at them knowing that her grandchildren are happy and safe with their spouses and their children.

"I called you here because I wanted to see your smiles without tears in your eyes. I will always be in your hearts and mind even though I won't be here physically", she tells them while Layla was sniffing trying to hold in her tears.

"Nana, what are you saying this to us?", Naeem asked his grandmother who was smiling at the four of them.

"Because I don't have much time Habiby. And don't cry because I am fine alhamdulillah. Just promise me one thing that you two will look after your wives and treat them the way they deserve to be treated. With love, care, and most of all respect. That's all I want from all of you", Ayla tells them.

"We promise Nana. You should get some rest and I will call Papa....."

Naeem tells her as he was about to leave, Ayla held his hand to pull him back.

"You know that crying will never make you less of a man, my child. Cry", as she said this Naeem's eyes were filled with tears.

Naeem looked at his grandmother with tears falling down his cheeks. He sat down and took her hands with his.

"Shukran my habiby for giving me a chance to meet my great-grandkids. Both you and Layla", Nana Ayla smiled at them.

"I will just call dad, mum, and papa to come", Naeem got up and walked out of the room leaving the others there.

"This isn't saying goodbye by babies. We will meet in Jannah in shaa Allah. Come hug me", she tells them.

They immediately hugged her. As she was about to say her shahadah, the entire family walked in minus the kids.

Ayla smiled at her family and said her shahadah and then she closed her eyes.

Nayla took a bedsheet and covered her mother's body.


Each of them said.

A few days after Ayla's funeral, the family was still sad about her death but they knew that she was in a better place and they will meet her in Jannah.

In shaa Allah.

Naeem held his daughter in his arms while looking at some pictures of their family.

"This is your great-grandmother Ayla. Yes, you have the same name as she does", he explained to her. Ayla could only blurb baby words as she understood what her father was telling her.

"What's going on here?", Ayat walked in with their son in his arms.

"Nothing, just showing Ayla her family. United and happy", Naeem says to his wife.

"You miss her don't you? ", Ayat asks her husband as she sat beside him putting her head on his shoulder.

"Always. She was the best grandma ever", he answered her.

"She is here with us in our hearts and memories. Remember that", Ayat tells her husband smiling.

"That's true, Amore", Naeem answers bouncing Ayla on his lap.

The twins' personalities are starting to show to their families. Ayla was exactly like her father while Hamza is like his mother.

Looking at Naeem, Ayat smiled at him as he was playing with their kids. He might be a businessman but first, he is and will always be a father.

His father Liam has always told him that family should always come first and he shouldn't bring the company's problems into the home.

"What are you staring at my wife?", Naeem asks Ayat who was looking at him smiling.

"Our family and our future", Ayat answers him.

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