Chapter 29 - Happy New Year

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"Your first love, huh?" Yuzuha asks me as we're all sitting outside the hospital on a bench, too tired to go back home. 


"Did you tell Inupi about it like you said you would?" Hakkai chuckles a bit at the two stiff people beside him, Mitsuya and Chifuyu.

"Nah~ I actually never expected him to be my first love." I sigh.

"You knew him?"

"N-No!" I get startled a little. "Just that I didn't expect the beautiful boy I met to be part of a gang now." 

"Hmm, what do you think of him now?" Hakkai asks, causing curious glances to be thrown my way. 

"He's still beautiful.. Other than that, I'm not sure I guess?" I answer truthfully. "I haven't really talked to him much." 

'Competition, competition~'  Hakkai internally laughs at the two men who keep getting fidgety.

"We should probably get going now!" I say to all of them. 

"I feel too tired to walk." Chifuyu groans.

"Shall I carry you?" I joke. "Princess style~" 

"No!!" Chifuyu stands up in protest when I go near him. "I can walk just fine!" He turns bright red, feeling flustered while all of us just laugh at his reaction. 


Dec 31st, 2005

It was a pretty cold night. I was waiting for Smiley and Angry who asked me to go to the shrine together with them for the first shrine visit of the New Year. 'I thought Smiley was joking when he talked about me becoming a little sister.. but he's really treating me like one.' I smile a little at the thought of having the twins as my older brothers.

I hear the revving of a motorcycle around and instantly turn my head around to see Smiley there. 

"Where's Angry?" 

"He can't make it today. Some stuff to do~" Smiley just shrugs it off. "You didn't wear a yukata!" He protests.

"I told you~ I have plans afterwards. I can't go in a yukata." I laugh at his scrunched up face that's looking annoyed but still not letting go of that eye-smile.

"Hmph!" He folds his arms while I chuckle at his childishness. "Hurry up, let's go to the shrine!" His mood instantly lightens up when thinking about the visit and tells me to hop on his bike.




"Damn.. Look at the crowd! So many people!" I shout, knowing that my voice won't be heard unless I do so. 

"I wonder if the others are here too." Smiley says to me. 

'They definitely are.' 

"Let's see if we can spot them." I smile. 

"The one who finds them first has to treat the other to steamed buns!" He challenges. "Hey! Aren't you supposed to buy it for your dear little sister if you're an older brother?" I joke.

"Food before siblings, it is." He chuckles. 

"Sure!" I agree to his challenge and start to look around. 

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