Chapter 26 - Family

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I wake up feeling a bit groggy and reach for my phone to check the time. 

'4:03 p.m...' 

I gasp in shock when I realise that I've skipped an entire day. Stretching my tired limbs out, I make my way towards the bathroom to take a shower. Feeling much more refreshed after doing so, I take a look at my messages.

Takemicchi's messaged me saying that he needs to talk about a plan together with Chifuyu. 'Hmm.. What could this be?'

I scroll down and see another message saying that they'll be talking to the division captains today about fighting with the Black Dragons.

"So today's the day, huh?" I remember how it's the day Kisaki and Hanma ask to work together with Chifuyu and Takemicchi.

I look at the address that he's sent me and it's the same fast food place where everyone is meeting up. 




After putting on some warm clothes, I head to the address where Takemicchi called me. From the outside I could see him talking to the division captains. 'They're probably rejecting his suggestion now..'

I decide to wait around on the outside and pop a lollipop in my mouth. I see the division captains leave soon after, but Hanma and Kisaki are still hanging around the entrance. They enter after a while and I can see them having a heated discussion. 



After a short while, I see my phone ringing and it's Takemicchi calling me.


"Aoi-san! Are you outside somewhere?" He hurriedly cuts me off.

"Yup, I'm waiting outside."

"Can you please come in?" He asks and I almost drop the lollipop from my mouth.


"Please.. we have to discuss the plan together.." 

'Has Takemicchi really thought of some different plan..' I wonder to myself and agree to go in.

As soon as I enter, I can see the four men sitting in a corner and I join them there.

"Ooh~ The feisty one's here." Hanma coos and I just pretend to not have heard that. I take a seat beside Chifuyu and begin to question, "So, what's this about?"

"We want to work together with Takemichi and Chifuyu here." Kisaki says to me and I internally scoff at his voice. 'I hate this boy.'

"Hmm.. And what are you thinking Takemicchi?" I ask while folding my arms and crossing my legs.

"We still need to decide on it.." He hesitantly replies. "That's why I called you here.."

"Hey hey hey~ You can't even make a decision on your own?" Hanma lazily grins at the first division captain and vice-captain beside me, and I feel my eyes twitch in annoyance.

"That's quite a bold thing for you to say as someone who's always following Kisaki." I retort and the said boy just smiles at me. 

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