[•] Big spoon

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Reminder the au sanses in this will be different from what I discover from other artists, Just some new experience for new au Sans' I will be adding.

Yes it's been so long since the last update, Mention that I WONT discontinue one of my books. Procrastinator ahah-

Don't mind the grammar mistakes please-


(Y/N) - Your name

(F/C) - Favorite color

(T/OC) - Type of coffee /Either brand of it

(S/CG) - Square / circle Glasses

(E/C) - Eye color

¶Sunday 4: 57 am.¶

Sans able to sleep well last night after he did, Stretching his arms and yawned. Stood up from his floor bed and swinging his arms for to re-adjust. He takes his blanket he barrowed and folds it neatly, taking along with the pillow and folded blanket to place on the side of the couch.

his eye-sockets landed on (Y/N) who was still sleeping peacefully, Sans smiled how they slept well with no issues of thier sickness disturbed at night. Stepping closer and kneeling down to their level, As he place a teeth-kiss on his forehead. "Sweet dreams. ." Stroking their cheek and then giving a gentle pinch.

Tip tap over to the kitchen to start making early breakfast for (Y/N), He would've been happy that Sans made him a lovely breakfast. Grabbing the pan and place it in the stove, Looking how the pan was slight wet from cleaning last night, He then thinks for a second. Sans remember if you cook oil with water, It will cause the oil to spill out like popping out of the pan to land on the skin to burn.

Turning the Stove into flames, to let it heat it first before pouring oil. Using his feet to drag the stool underneath the table, and using it for to reach the cabinet. Placing the cooking oil, And continued to wait for the water in the pan to evaporate. He looked at (Y/N)'s sleeping figure, Watching them stir himself in his asleep.

His mouth inside began to water, Causing the corner of his mouth drool green. His eyes widen by his drool, And wipes it off with his arm. "By even looking at them for a milisecond, It makes me craving. . . I should stop it before it gets any weirder. .I wouldn't want him to be disgust me. ." Once the water was evaporated in the pan, Twisting the cap and pours the oil in.

Swinging the fridge open to grab a container of hashbrowns then closing it back. Taking four hash browns to place it on tha pan, As he use the spatula to re-arrange the fries in the pan. His toothy smile grins by the thought his been thinking, Closing his eye-lids that his imagination brought him to a smile.

Him cooking breakfast for the two of them made him think that their like a married couple. Sans does the chores of the apartment, While (Y/N) will do the work and comes home saying 'Honey I'm home!'. God, He wish expectation will come true, Just him and them together. A family they will make, And loved he much deserve so much.

Warm green flush on his cheeks were showing, Continued on having a daydreaming, Only between Sans and (Y/N). He laugh by thought of having children, Two twins of thier children. It's impossible to have a human-skeleton hybrid child, More rather to adopt one in the adoption center instead. Heck, Sans made a perfect names of his soon children.

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