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Grand Admiral Thrawn stood on the bridge of the Chimaera, looking down at the planet he was in the middle of taking over. Usually, Thrawn would take longer to invade a planet, taking into account their tactics, climate and people, however, this invasion had to be completed immediately. Somewhere in the capital city, you were being held by a dangerous rebel cell for being an influential politician and his partner. His eyes burned dark red as he watched as smaller ships landed on the planet and a message that the outskirts of the city had been secured.

Thrawn turned, walking toward his smaller ship which he would land on, leaving Captain Pellaeon in charge for the moment as he arranged the ground assault. Thrawn was pissed off, he was not going to give the rebels a chance to escape or avoid the consequences of their actions.

The ship landed with a thud and Thrawn walked out onto the planet. The capital city was quite large, full of tall buildings which slightly blocked the suns. He looked up at the main building of the city, the government building which you were being held in.

You laid on the ground of a large debating chamber, other prisoners around you. The rebels were talking among themselves, creating blockades and other defensive measures as the Empire landed on the planet. You could hear bits of conversation mentioning your husband, Thrawn and you smiled inwardly, he was coming to save you. This was the first good news you had for a while. You had been captured in the middle of political debate, rebels bursting into the building and capturing everyone. Unfortunately, they had executed many of the politicians, leaving only the ones who could get them leverage over the empire, however, their plan was now backfiring.

You could hear the fighting was getting closer, this both relieved you and made you more worried that the rebels would execute the group of you they had left alive or use you as hostages. You would not let that happen, however, slowly going toward a blaster which was on the hip of a rebel. In one movement you grabbed it and shot the rebel before he could react. Looking around the room you took out the other two rebels before they could pull their guns out.

"Come" you told the group of politicians. Carefully you left the room, seeing a few more rebel guards and shot them both. You were getting the hang of this fighting thing you thought, but you spoke too soon, suddenly being hit in the chest with a stun bolt and you fell on your front.

You woke with a throbbing pain in your shoulder. Slowly you opened your eyes and looked straight in the face of your husband. You relaxed, feeling him pick you up.

"Mitth'raw'nuruodo" you murmured, "You are here"

"Of course" he said.

You yelped slightly in pain as Thrawn carried you through the wreckage of the city. Your shoulder hurt badly, bumping against Thrawn's chest as he walked you toward the ship.

"Is it your shoulder?" Thrawn stated.

You nodded, looking up at the serious Chiss, whose eyes were still bright red from the emotion which was still coursing through him.

"I shall get a medical droid immediately" Thrawn said, pulling you into the troop carrier and commanding the driver to leave for the Chimaera immediately. He laid you down and checked your shoulder, he found it was broken by how you had fallen. Thrawn was worried that he could not help you at the moment, but he would make sure that you would be healed.

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