Chapter 5: Welcome Back

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    It has been 3 months since you fell into a coma.  Nat and Yelena barely ever left your side.  Most nights, they would sleep in the hospital room with you.  Yelena would go and train for an hour a day, then would immediately be right back next to you. Nat, on the other hand, was forced to go on a mission to take out one of Dreykov's competitors. She told him that would be the one and only time she would do it until you woke back up. The other days, she would train after Yelena, that way you were never alone.  Maxim was working in the lab that had exploded to try to figure out what went wrong, Dreykov could care less.  One of the doctors brought in two other beds for Nat and Yelena to sleep in next to you. 

This was the first year that you guys didn't get to spend Christmas together doing all of your Christmas traditions.  Every year you guys would pick out the ugliest tree and decorate it to give it some love. Yelena always wanted to make cookies on Christmas Eve, and every year someone would end up with flour all over them. Then Christmas morning, you guys would open presents with each other before the Red Room's annual Christmas brunch, it was your favorite thing to do.  Dreykov hasn't come to visit you yet, he knows that Nat and Yelena won't want him up there anyway. 

    One morning in mid-March, as Nat is changing your shirt, Yelena looks at you confused.  You're still in a coma, but she swears she saw your foot twitch.  Her mind has played games on her before so she just ignored it.  Nat and Yelena went out of the room to get some new blankets for you and when they walked back in, they gasped so loud that most of the doctors started running to the room confused about what happened.  Nat and Yelena gasped because your eyes had fluttered open a bit, but you were still groggy and could barely keep them open for long.  Yelena looked at Nat with her jaw on the floor, Nat seemed to have been lost in a trance because she didn't move until Yelena snapped her out of it. Tears welled up in each of their eyes, happy with the progress you were making.  You started to fidget and started pulling on the tubes that were in your nose and throats to help you breathe and eat.  The throat tube made it difficult for you to breathe on your own, and you started to panic wanting it out. The doctors quickly run to your side and start taking out any unnecessary tubes and cords now that you are awake.  As soon as they are taken out, you take a big deep breath in, happy to be breathing on your own.  It felt relaxing to fill your lungs up full of air.  Nat and Yelena rush over to you after all the tubes are out and give you the biggest hug they've ever given you, and Nat is definitely not a hugger.

Y/N: "Hey there guys, you miss me?"  I whispered with a smile on my face.
Nat: "You know I did.  You scared me shitless Y/N."
Yelena: "Seriously, Y/N! What would we have done without you?"
Y/N: "I know, I heard you guys talking sometimes, believe it or not."

    As I say that, they look at you, surprised that it is actually possible. Being awake and being able to hug my sisters again was the best feeling I've experienced, I was glad to be back. Nat went up to the doctor and asked about me being able to hear them while I was in a coma, doctors had told her it happens rarely and you never know who would be able to hear.  Yelena got on one side of your bed and Nat got on the other, that's when the water works started.

Y/N: "How long was I in a coma for?"  I stammered a little scared with the answer.
Nat: "About 3 months..."  She replied sadly, knowing you were going to be upset with missing Christmas and New Year's.

    I was just happy to be awake and alive honestly.  I didn't care that I missed the holidays and I told them that was how I felt, they agreed with me, no hesitation.  About an hour went by and Nat, Yelena, and I were still catching up on what was happening in the world the past 3 months. A space shuttle disintegrated during re-entry to the Earth, which ended up killing all 7 astronauts.  Other than that, there wasn't much going on because Nat and Yelena would sit by your side 24/7.
     While talking with my sisters, Maxim walks in while Dreykov just waits in the doorway, making sure to keep his distance from Nat or Yelena who wanted to strangle him, which is understandable.  Maxim comes up to you and gives you a big hug.

Maxim: "I'm so glad to see you awake and to see you all happy and smiling."  He cheered with a smile.

    Dreykov asked if we could have a minute alone, I agreed but Nat was very hesitant, and Yelena refused to leave.  Maxim reassured them that I would be okay and that they could wait outside the door.  Once they left, I motioned for Dreykov to come and sit next to me by tapping on the empty space on my hospital bed.

Dr. K: "I just wanted to apologize for the pain and suffering I put you and your sisters through."
Y/N: "You should be, I could've died."  I stated angrily, while clenching my teeth tight, feeling as though they could all shatter.

Dreykov: "I need a blood sample to see if the experiment even worked.  The doctors wanted to wait until you woke up to test it.  I want to make sure you didn't go through all this for nothing."

    He had seemed genuine so I told him he could take a sample.  After he took the sample, he told me that the results should be ready within the hour.  I nodded as he walked out and my sisters came back in.  Nat told me Maxim told her what we were talking about, so they were aware of the situation.  We decided to watch a movie while we waited for the results. Yelena wanted to watch a new movie that had just come out on DVD called, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding".  She definitely picked a good one, we all had a great night that night. But I still couldn't help but wonder what those test results were, we had our fingers crossed that this wasn't all for nothing.

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