An unexpected visitor

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Poor Ethan was having a hard time since giving up his baby son and regrets giving him up but he thinks theres no going back. "Bodhi I miss you" he whispered into nothing and began to sob at the loss of his family. He hoped to have some time before he was effected by his huntingtons but then his family was stolen from him. He wiped his tears and then he went to the cupboard and found his baby bottles that he had hidden to stop feeling sad. He remembered being a father and was soon crying once more and wishing for cal to return and help him throught life and how much he wanted his baby to return.

he decided that crying wasn't going to help so he went to bed for a quick nap and had a dream:

In the dream he had a visitor his brother cal visited him.

"hello ethan" he said calmly and Ethan smiled, happy after such a long time.

"Ethan you need to start living your best life. Get your son back and you will be happy again."

"But my family is gone! My best life was ripped from me!" he sobbed and hugged his warm brother who he had not seen for so long.

Ethan woke up with a start after his dream. He saw his big brother again, and wiped some tears off of his face then went to make some dinner. He still missed Cal and wished that his dream could last forever but life wasn't fair to Ethan and he knew by now but he just wanted to see his belloved brother one more time. He sobbed again over his dinner and went to visit Fenisha's parents.

Hello he said as her dad answered the door and let Ethan in. "Can I see my son please I miss him" he asked and soon found his Bodhi asleep in a cot.

Fenishas mum was making tea and said "Hello Ethan dear do you want a drink?"

"No thank you" said Ethan as he was too focused on his little baby that him and Fenisha created. He felt tears in his eyes as he remembered his wifes passing and sadness washed over him.

He wanted to stay with his son forever but then remembered how he had given up his son to the boys grandparents and he was probably gone for good. Ethan was lonely and just wanted cal to stay for good since his dream. 

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