Day at The Park

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The next morning Ethan woke up early out of excitement. Today was when he would see his son and not only that he would get to spend the day with Bodhi and uncle Cal at the park. He got ready for the day he had a few days off from work so he had the time to do some things then he went into the kitchen where Cal was still in his superhero costume.

"hello brother did you sleep well"

"of course i did you were in my dreams" Cal grinned and Ethan smiled. Ethan missed Cal so much and having him here now was the only thing taping his broken heart into one. And also he would get the whole day with his son Bodhi and it would be nice.

He drank some juice and had toast and then went to go and get Bodhi from Fenisha's parents house the walk there was pleasant except from cal being his normal self and teasing ethan all the way there. When he arrived he knocked on the door and then soon he had his baby boy in a pram and Cal was walking with him. He checked no one was near as he wanted to talk to Cal but no one could know that his brother was there even if not really real.

"nibbles do you want me to push you on the swing like old times" cal said using ethans childhood nickname that since Cal's passing bought tears to his eye.

Ethan laughed and punched his brother playfully "no that's embarrassing your such an annoying brother sometimes." Cal laugheed and said "nibbles but going to the park is all about fun"

"yes but we have a baby parks are for children"

then a woman in a business suit came round the corner and ethan had to be quiet to not give himself away

cal wasn't helping as he was teasing Ethan and saying things that he wanted to reply to. Luckily the business person left and went down a different road so he was free to talk to Cal in peace.

They chatted and laughed all the way to the small playpark where they parked the pram inside and then got baby Bodhi out.

"Ethan remember hes too young for climbing yet so what about the sswings"

"yes good idea big brother let's do it"

ethan pushed Bodhi on the swing joyfully and cal encouraged still wearing his embarrassing superhero outfit with underpants.

Ethan was too busy with Cal that he forgot to realise that he was actually happy for once since Fenisha left the planet. He was with his brother and son and they were having a great time. But sadly Bodhi was too small to do anything else yet and he was tired so he got to sleep in the pram while Ethan and Cal decided to sit in the climbing frame and have a chat.

"Ethan youre smiling your finally happy" said Cal.

"Ethan grinned in agreement. "yes cal of course i am you and Bodhi are there"

"Yes but Ethan maybe having no family is affecting your mental healths why don't you take Bodhi home and be a father again"

"No i can't Cal whats done is done" THen he ran down the climbing frame and got the pram leaving Cal behind in the park. 

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