Home again

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Ethan got home after dropping Bodhi off back to Fenisha's parents house then began to walk home. He was feeling more sad then before he looked after Bodhi because giving up his baby son was the hard part. He then realised that Cal was still at the park but he probably couldn't go back without crying at the thought of the day spent with his baby boy.

He got home sadly and opened the door and almost decided to drink some beer but then deicded against it as that would just make the grief even rawer after the drink wears off.

He sat down in the middle of his house and began to sob at the sadness of his life since Fenisha passed. he missed so much he had finally found love but then she died. He never found any forever love interests they all left him lonely and sad and he still missed them all. Then he thought about going to work for a surprise shift at least he would see his friends but that reminded him of Fenisha too much and that just made him sad and even worse.

He decided to make dinner and a glass of wine as he didn't have anything better to do but while he was cooking Cal appeared behind him in his scrubs and Ethan turned around and began to sob loudly. He walked towards Cal and the older brother came closer then Ethan hugged his brother it felt like air but he knew that it was deep down a brotherly bond and Cal really was there even if just his imagination. Then Ethan had to get back to cooking pasta but went to eat and Cal followed.

"Nibbles your so unhappy we need a plan you are so lonely and you know  I can't stay forever"

Ethan choked on pasta and tears at the thought of his brother leaving again but he knew it was true that he couldn't keep Cal with him forever as it was just his imagination but the important thing was that Caleb was here for him now and he would be able to survive without his brother soon when they made a plan.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2022 ⏰

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