The Plan

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Ethan decided not to think about his brother or how he gave up his fatherhood and played with his baby. Until, cal appeared wearing his classic superhero outfit just like a few weeks ago when Ethan had seen him. "Cal why are you here?" he said hoping Fenisha's parents would not hear. Luckily they were in the kitchen making tea and biscuits so he could talk to his brother in private. "Yes Ethan you need advice so I came back" Ethan was confused. He didn't need advice.

"Ethan you want Bodhi back dont you?" he said.

"Yes" ethan choked trying not to cry.

"Then take him to the park i'm sure they will let you."

Ethan wasn't sure about the idea at first but soon realised that it would mean spending time with his son. It was one of not many things that gave him true joy so he thought more and then decided to see if Fenisha's parents would let him. He really needed to be with his son or he would be sad for the rest of his life.

Just at that moment Fenisha's parents came in with tea and biscuits. "Hello Ethan it's good to see you bonding with your son" they said together. Ethan grinned but felt like he was crumbling on the inside. He badly wanted to live a family life but it just wouldn't be complete without Fenisha and of course uncle Cal.

Cal was encourging him to ask if he could go to the park with Bodhi. "Come on  ethan my brave bro you can do it."

"You won't regret it"

Ethan finally got the courage but found it hard to say when staring at cal with underpants on his head. He held back laughs at the pure comedy of his brother as he asked the kind parents of his passed wife if he could have a bonding day with his son.

They said yes much to Ethan's joy and fear but he had his big brother by his side so he knew he could do it. He said goodbye to fenishas parents then left with Cal behind him.

"Cal I'm happy but very nervous about my park trip tomorrow"

"Relax baby brother it will be fine I'm here and you can just be a dad again with Bodhi at the park, pushing him on the swings, climbing frame, and i'll be there so it will be extra fun."

Ethan relaxed and looked forward for the day ahead as he went to sleep with Cal in his dreams.

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