Harry Potter boys react to... Seeing you after being apart for a while

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                                                                          Harry Potter

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                                                                          Harry Potter

You had gone home for Christmas break, while Harry stayed at Hogwarts.

It was now January and you had just finished unpacking in your dorm.

Nobody knew you were back besides the professors and Hermione.

You and Hermione had a plan to surprise Harry, and Hermione was already putting the plan into action.

She was with Harry in the Gryffindor Common Room and told him to go to the Courtyard.

He started walking, not knowing that you were already there waiting for him.

You were sitting behind the fountain, making sure to stay hidden.

"Hello? Who's here?" Harry asked skeptically. "Hermione told me to meet you here."

You stayed silent but threw a rock behind Harry.

Just as planned, he faced away from the fountain and you quickly climbed out from behind the fountain and stood in front of the fountain, smiling.

He turned back around and his eyes went wide when he saw you.

Harry beamed at you. "Y/n, is that you?"

"No, it's Lucius Malfoy with Polyjuice Potion. Yes it's me!" You replied snarkily.

He ran towards you very fast and hugged you like it was the end of the world.

"Babe, too tight. I can't... breathe," you said as he crushed you in a hug.

He loosened his grip a bit, but still hugged you tightly.

"I missed you so much, it was like Hell here without you," he said, showering your face with kisses.

"Well I'm here now, and I'm not going anywhere," you told him reassuringly.

"Good, I can't believe you left me!" He said, letting go of you.

He started to fake cry, but you thought it was real.

"I asked if you wanted to come but you said you didn't want to disrupt my family time. Please don't cry baby, I'm sorry," you told him.

He just kept pretending to cry, going along with it.

"I just didn't want to seem rude, invading the time you get to spend with your family," he said, sniffling.

"You wouldn't have been invading it baby!" You hugged him.

He couldn't help but laugh a bit, and that's when you realized he was pulling your leg.

"You're an asshole, you know that?" You said, walking up to the Common Room and sitting next to Hermione

"Harry just walked in behind you," she told you.

Harry Potter boys reactWhere stories live. Discover now