Harry Potter boys react to... You Having a Panic Attack (As Friends)

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                                                                                    Harry Potter

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                                                                                    Harry Potter

It was your fifth year and you were having almost as hard a time with Umbridge as Harry was.

You were Harry's friend, so gradually when he introduced the idea of Dumbledore's Army to revolt against Umbridge, you were all in.

You were one of the most devoted members of the Army and it definitely didn't go unnoticed.

Harry was in awe of how amazing you were doing with both offensive and defensive spells, even though you didn't realize it.

When Umbridge had found you guys and dispersed the group, you were devastated.

That was the only self defense you were learning to get and the only thing that really made you feel safe with the war approaching.

You ran off to the library that evening, as all reality seemed to come crashing down on you.

The Wizarding World was in shambles, Voldemort was back and gaining followers rapidly, and the only form of self defense you had had just been crushed by your incompetent teacher.

You collapsed on the floor of the library in between two bookshelves.

Lucky for you, nobody really ever used the library except for you and Hermione.

Unlucky for you, Harry knew this and went to the library, expecting to find Hermione there.

He walked into the library, looking between the bookshelves to find Hermione, figuring she'd be browsing the shelves.

You were curled up into a ball on the ground, shaking, sobbing, and hyperventilating.

Harry heard you crying and came into the aisle you were in, eyes widening when he saw you in such a state.

He ran to you, sitting on the ground next to you and pulling you against his chest.

You were too disoriented to realize it was Harry, as you just sobbed and gasped for air.

He recognized you were having a panic attack, as he'd had a few mild ones himself, what with the impending doom of Voldemort and everyone needing him to be the hero and all.

"Hey, hey, hey. Y/n? Y/n, look at me," he said in a soft voice.

You looked up at him with reddened eyes and blurry vision.

He smiled sweetly and spoke in a soft, calming voice.

"Focus on me, okay? Focus on me," he said soothingly, gently rubbing your shoulder.

"Try to match my breathing."

He breathed in and out slowly, moving his hand upward when he breathed in and downward when he breathed out.

Harry Potter boys reactWhere stories live. Discover now