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"Put on the suit."

"Number three engine is down. We've been hit."

Steve helps Lauren stand up and they both run to follow Tony.

"Engine three. I'll meet you there," Tony says.

" Can one of your powers help us fix this?" Steve asks.

" Uhhh maybe!" Lauren responds.

As they run towards the engine, Tony accesses his suit from a lower level. Natasha is trapped with Bruce and tries to calm him down, but she's unsuccessful because soon a Hulk roar rumbles throughout the helicarrier.

" Stark, we're here!" Steve yells.

"GoodLet's see what we've got. I got to get this superconducting coolant system back online before I can access the rotors, work on dislodging the debris . I need you to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position."

Steve jumps up and swings himself on a pole to land next to the control panel, meanwhile Lauren teleports herself. However, her aim was a little off and she almost flies off the platform, if it wasn't for Steve grabbing her arm at the last second. He pulls her up with all his strength. She glances up into his eyes for a second, then turns her attention back to the control panel.

"What does it look like in there?'"

"It seems to run on some form of electricity," Steve replies.

"Well, you're not wrong."

Steve and Lauren work together, along with Tony's instructions. 

"Okay, the relays are intact. What's our next move?" Steve asks as he closes the control panel.

"Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm going to have to get in there and push"

"If that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded."

Lauren hears Tony's voice in her mind as she unintentionally reads his.

"That stator control unit can reverse the polarity long enough to disengage maglev and that could..." She starts

"Speak English," Steve says.

" You see that red lever?" She points, " It will slow the rotors down long enough for him to get out."

"Stand by it. Wait for my word."

Steve and Lauren jump from platform to platform until they get to the red lever.

" Was that simple enough for you?" She jokingly asks.

" Yes," Steve responds with a smile.

Out of the corner of her eye, Lauren sees a squad of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents with their guns ready. One of them throws a grenade towards the engine, and Lauren jumps up and kicks it out of the way. She jumps down to their level and kicks a gun out of one of their hands. She elbows one in the jaw as she kicks another in the chest. She blocks a punch by bending backwards so her hands are on the ground, then uses the momentum to wrap her legs around his head and shove him into a wall.

Steve eventually makes his way down and starts punching. He lands a blow to the stomach and then kicks him off the carrier.

By this time, another engine has failed and the carrier is losing altitude and losing it fast. 

"It's Barton. He took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?"

" This is Agent Romanoff. I copy."

The loss of altitude makes it harder for Tony to do his job and Lauren and Steve to do theirs. An idea pops into her mind, a bad one, but its still an idea. She pulls out her gun from her thigh holster and shoots 5 times, one for each agent. They all go down, and she turns to Steve.

" Can you handle this?" She asks.

" Uh... I think so!"

Lauren walks towards the edge of the platform and looks down.

" Der'mo."

" What are you doing?!" Steve exclaims.

She looks over her shoulder.

" Trust me?" She shrugs.

Lauren falls off the helicarrier into a free fall down to earth. Steve runs towards the edge, unsure of what he should do in this moment. As she falls, she assumes the star fish position, closes her eyes and tries to focus.




When she opens her eyes, she stops falling and starts floating. She's floating in mid-air. She looks back up at the falling helicarrier and pushes herself to fly up. Lauren flies next to the failing engine, opposite of the one Tony is working on. She lets out a deep breath and tries to prepare herself.

" ETA for engine 1."

" 5 minutes, ma'am."

Lauren balls her fists and then opens them towards the engine. She feels the weight of the carrier in her hands, and it shoves her down. She's able to stop herself before she falls too far. As she rises, the engine rises. She uses all of her strength to lift the engine up and try to keep the carrier level. Her entire body tenses as she uses all of her muscles. Her breathing becomes rapid and sweats cascades down her body.

" How much longer?!"

" 1 minute, ma'am."

1 minute. Only 1 more minute.

But it might as well be an eternity.

Lauren screams out in pain, her cries echoing throughout the sky as she tries and tries not to fall.

" Engine 1 back online in 3..2..1..."

And with that, Lauren feels the engine stabilizing itself, and she finally lets go. Her eyes close and her head falls back. Her powers give out, and she resumes her freefall. Within seconds, a cold metal wraps around her and lifts her back to the helicarrier. When she opens her eyes, she sees Tony kneeling above her.

" Please tell me you didn't kiss me," Lauren says.

" You wish," Tony says with a chuckle.

Steve comes in running and kneels down next to Tony.

" Are you nuts?!" Steve asks.

" Honestly... yeah, a little," She says with a smile.

He smiles back as he looks into her eyes.

" Well, I'm glad you're alright."

Their happy moment didn't last long.

"Agent Coulson is down."

"A medical team is on its way to your location."

"They're here. They called it."

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