A Night of Surprises

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(Curse warning)
Sanemi’s POV
I was so confused, humans can’t produce whatever glowing shit that was. Vampires can’t do those things either, and our ears aren’t as long as his.

“I-I can explain!?”

“Do it and fastly, because this makes no fucking sense to me! What is going on, that isn’t some vampire trait.”

He sighs and motions for me to sit down next to him. I give him a scolding look, and he sits down and pats the ground. I give in and go over to him and sit down beside him. I stare at him straight in his dark blue eyes, waiting for an explanation.

“Well, vampires are not the only mythical creature that exists. You do know that right?”

“Uhh no bitch, why would you think I’d know that?”

“Every Hashira does, we talk about it often, oh wait you're always gone.”

That was the first time I’ve ever heard him be sassy, it is so unlike him. It shocked me a bit but not as much as from earlier. All I did was ‘tched’ and looked away. He went on and continued what he was saying. 

“Well, I am a magical elf so I can perform some types of magic. I also have longer pointy ears. Mitsuri is the only other hashira that is a different creature. She is an elf but she can’t produce any magic. So she just has longer ears.”

This is a lot to take in, especially in one night. I shook my head, trying to wrap my mind around all of it. I rub my temples and look back at him, he looks a bit nervous. Is it because he just spilled about his race? I would be more nervous if he found out about me. That is a different case though, being a blood sucking hideous creature. Such a difference, he looks so delicate and breathtaking. While I am over here messy and dangerous.
I sigh and pat his shoulder, trying to relax him without scaring him too much. The state I am in isn’t a normal one though, I probably looked dead. Technically I am dead, so I shrugged that off. My hair was most likely messed up, and on top of that I was shirtless. It wasn’t cold though, no temperature bothers me. He looks at me and slightly smiles. He never fully smiles, which lets me know that he has had a dark life. I grab his shirt and pull him into a hug. Reassurance, it's something I wished I had at the darkest times of my life. 
He relaxes better and we stay like that for a few minutes. Human embrace, when was the last time someone actually hugged me back like this? It has been forever, if my family was still alive and I hadn’t turned life would be happier. Then again, I would have never met the man in my arms, Giyuu. I smile and close my eyes, then open them once again before I let go of him. We then walked back to his estate. I won’t be able to stay for long because in a few hours it will be morning. Morning means sunlight and sleep. Thinking about that just depresses me and I wish for different things to think about. He let me in and made some tea, it was like almost one am.
I sat down at the kitchen table and he put down my tea in front of me. He never even asked what kind I wanted? Maybe he only has one kind. It doesn’t matter, I can’t drink it, I would have declined but he was already making it. He set his down and sat down across from me. I
then stared into the dark substance steaming in the gray-blue small cup. It was warm against my cold hands.
I move the cup in a circular rotating motion. The liquid swishing around lightly, making sure not to spill. I hear Giyuu clear his throat which made me look up at his face. His hair was brushed  back, behind his long ears. I want to smile and pull him in for another hug. He is being so vulnerable and open about himself. Something I can only wish to do. He breaks the comforting silence in the air.

"I know you aren't human. The way you act and the presence you give off is darker. More... stronger."

The world seemed to stop spinning and I stopped swirling the cup, gripping it tightly. My eyes piercing into his, with the tension thicker than Rengoku's eyebrows.

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