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It had been a week since Meredith returned to New York with Mark, Mark hadn't left her alone all week, he had taken her phone off her, and he had called in sick for her, he wasn't letting her out of the house, she was surprise that he didn't lock her up, it had been a miserable week, she couldn't stop thinking about Derek, she missed him so much and she longed to hear his voice again. Mark was talking about going back to work the next day, which meant that she could finally get away from him for a few hours, Meredith was sat on the sofa reading a book, while Mark was sat in his office. Meredith had the television on in the background, but she was so engrossed in her book. It wasn't until she heard Derek name being mentioned that looked up from her book and stared at the tv, she reached over to the remote, turning it up. She didn't hear what was being said, but she couldn't take her eyes off the screen, she studied his face, and she could see the sadness in his eyes, he looked as handsome has ever, but she could see the worry and concern in his face, and her heart broke at the sight of him. Meredith was so engrossed in the tv, that she never noticed Mark stood in the doorway watching her closely.

Meredith just couldn't take her eyes of him, she had spent the last week, crying, hiding away in her study, but what she couldn't get out of her head was the look of glee on Mark's face, like he had won something, right now she had never hated anyone has much has she hated Mark.

"Meredith" she quickly looked at him.

"Yes, Mark"

"Isn't there a party at Susanna tonight?"

"Yeah" she answered sombrely.

"Do you want to go?" Meredith looked at him like he had two heads. "Well do you?"

"I would"

"Go and get yourself ready, I'll ring Susanna and tell you are coming" Meredith walked across the room, and has she walked passed him, he grabbed her arm.



"Cheer up, i love you"

"I love you too" Meredith says quietly. Mark leans down and kisses her, for the first
time, she realises how different his kisses are to Derek's which are so gentle, caring and loving and Mark, are rough, and possessive.

An hour later, Meredith came downstairs, wearing a white Grecian dress, and her hair in soft waves, she waited for Mark to come out of the study, he was dressed in a suit.

"Are you coming with me?" Meredith asked him.

"No, i have a meeting with clients, and i didn't want you here on your own. You ready to go" Meredith nodded her head, and followed him out into the cool New York night, when they got to Susanna, Mark escorted her to the door, he gave her cell phone, as he knocked on the door, he whispered in her ear.

"I call you when i am on my way to pick you up" Meredith nodded has Susanna came and greeted her.

"Meredith, you look beautiful, as always" she greeted her. "Hello Mark"

"Susanna...Meredith, have fun tonight" he said before disappear back into the taxi waiting for him.

"Come in Meredith" Susanna says placing an arm around her, has she closes the door behind him. Susanna takes her wrap off her. "Meredith are you alright?" Meredith nodded.

"I am sorry, about not being in work this week"

"Meredith don't worry about it, i gathered Mark wouldn't let you out of his sight"

"I was shocked when he asked me if i wanted to come tonight. I think it was so i couldn't ring him" Susanna nodded leading her into the kitchen to get a drink, Meredith didn't notice the dark-haired man watching her, nodding at something his date was whispering in his ear.

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