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The scene opens up to the Xiao Long house

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The scene opens up to the Xiao Long house. We go over to the backyard where we see Yang and Zwei the dog walking out from inside.

Yang: "Ruby said he was working on his car so he'll be in his garage." She looks down at Zwei "Come on Zwei let's go find him". He barks in response.

Yang looks out and sees said garage and starts walking over to it as she gets closer she starts to hear what sounds like a crank wrench from the inside.

Yang: "Sounds like she was right." She walks up to the door and opens it "Hey, Asher!"

The camera turns to look inside, you can't see the car yet, and what we see is a teenage boy with gold hair like his father but red tips like his mother. He is also wearing a white cloak that has some holes near the end of it. Hearing ang and he stops and turns his head. We see that he has silver eyes.

Asher: as he is standing up "Yeah, Yang? You need something?" Now that he is at his full height he is just a couple inches taller than Ruby.

Yang: "I came to ask if you can take a look at bumblebee? She's been having some engine issues."

Asher: "I can take a look soon as I'm done. I'm just putting the finishing touches on the car."

Yang:"Thanks and also Ruby wanted to ask if you would go to the store with her tomorrow there's a new copy of a magazine she wants."

Asher: "I guess I can go after school tomorrow. Also do you want to stay and see if it works."

Yang: "I guess I can. And why are you building it you can't even drive yet?"

Asher:"Don't question me."

Time Skip by 20 mins.

Asher is seen outside the garage waving his hands towards him. The car is heard inside running.

Asher:"Okay Bring her out."

The car is drove out.

The car parks and Zwei hops out of the driver seat

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The car parks and Zwei hops out of the driver seat.

Asher: "Good job Zwei." He kneels down and puts his hand up in a high five motion. Zwei runs up to him and give him a high five. Then Yang says behind him.

Yang: "Wow it runs. And to believe you built it from scratch." She says in a surprised voice.

Asher: looks over in fake hurt. "Do you have no faith in your dear younger brother?"

Yang:"Well I mean it is you, and you're not exactly the most responsible." She points out.

Asher: "Fair enough. Ok now lets see if the radio works." He walks over to the radio and turns it on.

Asher looks impressed. "Looks like everything works." He hits the off button on the radio but the music does not stops. He tries it again.

Yang: "Is everything ok over there?"

Asher Is repeatedly pushing the off button. "Yes. Everything. Is. Fine. Ah screw this." Turns off the car. "See it works."

Yang looks at him in suspicion. "Okay then. Well see ya later Asher." Yang walks back towards the house.

Asher: "Yeah, see you later." Looks down at Zwei. "Don't give me that look." Zwei barks.

(There did it. I know its not very long but its the best I can do. So sorry. I might release the first episode tonight or tomorrow morning)

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now