Filler 2

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(between E.P. 7 and 8. The filler will be another short one.)

The camera opens up with Asher sitting in the library looking at a textbook and writing on a piece a paper.

Asher:*looks at paper* "How big is a rapier wasp?" *looks at textbook* "Where the heck is it."

Suddenly Weiss appears behind him holding some books and fips the page over one and points at the awnser.

Asher:"Oh, Thanks Weiss." *Weiss walks over to the other side of the table and sits down.*

Weiss:"Think nothing of it fly boy." *She looks up to asher who has stars in his eye.* "What?"

Asher:"You gave me a nickname. Which means you don't hate me!"*Throws his fist up* "This is the best day ever!"*He yells and everyone in the library looks at him*

Weiss:*Hiding her face behind her hand*"Shut up you dunce. Your to loud."

Asher looks around then sets his hand down and goes back to doing his work.

Asher:"Why 'Fly boy'?"

Weiss:*looking down at her book*"Ruby told me you want to become a pilot."

Asher:"Yeah I do. But after I get my huntsman license."

Weiss:*Looks up*"Why after?"

Asher:"Helping people is more important than getting a license. But when I get my pilot license, I can fly anywhere people need the help."

Weiss:"That's pretty noble of you."

Asher:*Rubs the back of his head*"I guess it is."


Timeskip. later that night.

Weiss and asher are packing up to leave. Weiss turns to Asher.

Weiss:"That was nice maybe we should study together again sometime."

Asher:"Sure why. I guess you can't get enough of me Snowflake." *Winks to her*

Weiss:*Just stares at him* "Don't call me that."

Asher:*laughs while walking away* "Well goodnight weiss"

Weiss:"Good night."

As Asher exits the library weiss stares at the door for a few seconds, then she finishes packing up and leaves the library.

The camera closes. then opens up to show weiss opening the door to team RWBY's dorm. When weiss enters it show Ruby and Yang playing some fighting game and blake reading a book on her bed. They hear the door open and look to see weiss enter.

Ruby Pauses the game and stands up. She uses her semblance to get over to weiss.

Ruby:"Where were you most of the day Weiss?"

Weiss:*walks past ruby and goes to her bed.*"Just studying with someone."

Yang:"Who were you studying with." *smirks* "I bet it was a boy."

Weiss:*Quickly looks over to yang*"It was your brother for your information."

Yang:*With a bigger smirk*"Oh does the ice queen have a crush on my younger brother hmm."

Weiss:*Quickly to deflect.* "NO!"

Ruby:*Squeals* "OOOHHH, you two would be soooo cute!"

Weiss Falls down on her bed with her pillow in her face and just groans.

The camera closes. then opens up to earlier when Asher enters his dorm. It shows Simmons and Grif arguing. Donut is just sitting on his bed watching.

Simmons:"Grif you can't just leave your socks laying on the floor."*He yells*

Grif:*With a bored look on his face*"I don't see the problem with it."

Simmons:*Gets angry*"You need to pick them up. Its gross to leave them around."

Asher:"The sam hell is going on here?"

Everyone turns to Asher.

Red team:"Sarge."

Simmons:"Grif keeps leaving his socks laying around and won't pick them up."

Grif:"There just socks."

Asher:*looks to donut* "Donut, pick up grif's socks."

Donut:*salutes*"Yes sir. Cleaning time!"

Asher then turns to simmons

Asher:"There problem solves."

Simmons:"But sir.."

Asher:"Be careful simmons or I might make strawberry shortcake there my new number one."

Donut:*In the background*"It's not pink, it's lightish red!"

Grif:"Where were you sir?"

Asher:"I was studying with weiss."

Grif:"Studying? you actually do that."

Asher:"Unlike you, I want to get a good grade."

Grif:"Who studies and with a girl?"

Asher:"Careful grif or I will have simmons here slit your throat while you sleep."

Grif looks to simmons then back to asher.

Grif:"Yes sir."

Asher:*Checks the time*"It's late ladies. Lights out."

The camera pans to a view of the school and the moon. Then goes black.


(there a quick filler. I might add one more later.)

Asher's Story: RWBY Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now