Chapter Six

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After fucking for another nine hours straight, Chad and Adrianna slept for about five minutes before having to get up again and start beating that butter. This time, when Chad was beating the butter, he kept on imagining smashing the face of Adrianna's ex (with the weird kinks). Again and again he pounded and pounded, imagining what the man might look like and what Chad would do if he saw him in person. He wanted to avenge her, and all the things he did to her.

He wanted to be Adrianna's protector and hunky bad-boy boyfriend. Chad had never gotten so attached to a woman so quickly before.

It must be the butter, Chad thought. She really knows how to pound it out.

He could still taste the butter on his tongue, and he could still feel it everywhere on his body.

They were making good time with the butter; they had gallons worth of it frozen, smooth, and ready to be touched and molded by Adrianna's expert hands. He still wasn't sure what she planned on creating and was curious on what intricate or creative idea she might be cooking up in that large head of hers. Chad also wondered if he could help, as well. But as soon as they finally put down their mallets and wiped their brows, Chad realized that he had many other obligations to tend to. The Ball wasn't going to run itself.

"When am I going to see you again?" Chad asked Adrianna.

"Well, I will probably be here until the Ball. After that, I don't know." She replied.

"Are you leaving?" Chad was taken aback. He thought that she would stay for at least another week. He didn't think that many people would be jumping to her butter sculpture and offering her a job on the spot, but perhaps her talents would amaze even him. He didn't know whether she had made a sculpture before or not, but to finish one in a day is difficult regardless.

"I don't think so," She looked away shyly. "But I am pretty busy, anyways."

"I might make you even more busy after last night. I think I want us to churn butter together again." He winked and Adrianna jokingly dry heaved. Chad laughed, "Charming."

"Yes, you are." She retorted.

"Well, why don't we make a plan to meet down here after the Ball?"

"Okay, sure," Adrianna agreed.

Chad skipped out of the kitchen with joy. He was going to see her again! He ignored all the stares he got from the staff which made him feel lucky that the rest of his family wasn't alive enough to see him like this.

Skipping was hard, though, without any toes.


Adrianna enjoyed the time she spent alone. She also enjoyed herself with Mr. Walkplease as well. It was only when he left for the night did she realize that she enjoyed his presence. Adrianna had gotten so used to working alone that she forgot how to have a real conversation. The time had passed so quickly that Adrianna didn't even realize that it was nighttime. She cleaned up the kitchen, preparing for the next day and organizing the room before heading up to bed. Before she could shut the door and flop into her sheets, Hugh glided over to her and offered a letter in an outstretched hand.

"Your brother told me to give this to you immediately."

"Thank you, Hugh." Adrianna nodded sleepily to her companion and shuffled into her room. She considered just tossing it onto the nightstand and then undressing before heading straight to bed, but she reconsidered.

Perhaps this is important, she told herself, and then opened the letter.

My Dear Sister, Adrianna,

I send my deepest regards from the comforts of home in Bath.

Home? Bath? Adrianna thought. Tamlin had never considered Bath his home, especially since he was always in hot water with their mother. She must have gotten to him, then. Adrianna kept reading.

I am so glad that I was able to see you yesterday, and I was disappointed to hear that you are alone this winter! Mother and I share our deepest sympathies to you and your shortcomings, and we offer our services to help aid you in finding a man. I apologize for not being able to come to you personally, but the snow was starting to fall, and I was afraid of catching a chill. We agreed that it is time for you to stop fooling around with that butter hobby you call a job, and find yourself a nice, respectable husband that can force you to do it for your own family instead. Naturally, Mother's first idea was to take to the streets! We announced your unfortunate circumstances to the most eligible bachelors around town, and finally, after a few minutes of searching, we found the perfect man for you! He meets all of my requirements, (and quite handsome, too, if I do say so myself). I believe I did manage to find a man that is willing to marry you (which is saying a lot!) therefore I have gone through and agreed that you will marry him by the end of the season. He has agreed that a lengthened engagement would be best so that rumors wouldn't spread about your... reputation. We wouldn't want people thinking that you were un-godly and sleeping around with men that aren't your husband! Now would we? You will be able to meet him at the Ball in two day's time, and afterwards you will move out of that ghastly castle and into a nice country home with your new fiancé. How does that sound?

We cannot wait to see you at the Ball. Don't forget to look your best for your intended! Best of wishes!


Tamlin Sasquatch

Adrianna had to sit down to process what she just read. A husband? Move to the country? It was all too much for her to handle. She couldn't move away now! Not while she was on the precipice of the start of her new life! Adrianna had already felt the change in her bones approaching as she worked with the butter, but perhaps this is the change that she should have been expecting. Even though there was no way that she could have seen it coming.

She couldn't think about another man right now. She was already starting to have feelings for Chad Walkplease, the Duke. Not some random stranger that her family picked off on the side of the road. Who knows what this man thought he was getting into, or if he had any ulterior motives to get her money, even though she had practically nothing. Either way, she was going to talk to the man, and straighten it out at the Ball. She would explain that she was not interested in marrying him, and that she would not leave the city for him. Maybe then he would understand.

Adrianna decided she would think about it tomorrow, and went to bed. Thinking only of butter... and a special someone who helped churn it for her. 

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