Take a breath, and let the rest come easy.

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Rian's POV

We all wake up in a rough mood. Even though me and Patrick didn't drink the previous night, we were feeling the brunt of having to get 6 drunken idiots to bed. "Jack, will you shut up. My head is pounding!" Alex shouts from his bunk as Jack lazily walks past and falls onto the floor. "Alex, don't shout so loud, my ears are ringing!" Zack says as he walks into the living area of the bus.

"Good morning sleeping beauties!" Matt calls as he walks onto the bus. "Don't shout! It hurts me!" Jack says getting up off the floor. "Sorry. Anyway, we are playing again tonight, so get your hangovers in order, and setup! Oh , and have any of you seen Molly? Patrick went to wake her up, but she wasnt in her bunk where he left her..." As soon as he says that we all start to panic.

"She can't have gone far! I mean its only 10'oclock. Maybe she went for a walk, and is on her way back now. Has anyone tried ringing her?" I ask as we stand outside the buses. All three bands, as well as all the crew members are stood around trying to figure out where she was. "Pete! Why didn't we think to ring her phone!" Joe runs inside to get his phone and rings her number. We all spin when we hear it ringing from behind us. "Molly?" "Where are you!?" We all set off and shout for her.

"I found her! She's over here!" Zack shouts as he picks her up and carries her to the bus. "Hmm? Found who?" She asks innocently. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING!? YOU GAVE US A FUCKING HEART ATTACK!! YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!" Pete yells at her, and she looks like she has no idea what has happened. "Um, what's going on?" She asks the rest of us.

"Molly, you were asleep outside what happened last night? I put you in your bunk, and you werent there in the morning?!" Patrick says and she sighs. "I had another nightmare. But I didn't want to wake you guys up. When I looked at the time, it was 6:30 so I went out there and watched the sunrise. I must have drifted off again... Sorry, I didn't mean to worry you guys." She says and looks really apologetic. 

"Its OK, just don't do it again, or at least write a note so we know OK. And if its another nightmare, we don't care when you wake us up, you can always come and see us OK?" Joe says and hugs her to death. Everyone then falls back into a normal routine as she gets changed and ready for the show.

Chance's POV

"Molly, you are needed over here!" I shout to her as comes bouncing over. She looks so cute in her ripped jeans and JAGK "boner" T-shirt. "Well, I'm here now! What do you need Johnson!" She asks and smirks at me. She knows I hate her using my last name, or my real first name. I prefer to be called Chance because, well let's face it, Chantry isn't rock star material!

"You still performing tonight?" Joey asks her. When did he appear next to me? "Yeah, think I would miss this!? Being on stage is amazing, especially with my weird, slightly dysfunctional, and strangely non-related family!" She says with a massive smile on her face. She looks so cute when she is happy.

"Munchkin! Rocking those shoes btw!" DeLeon says as he runs over from his own little sound check. I look down and see that she is wearing black converses that have been splattered with glow-in-the-dark paint. "Thanks, they are homemade. Well, sorta. I brought them plain, but didn't like it. I used some paint to make them cooler!" She says and lifts her foot up so we can see it properly. "They will make such a statement tonight on the stage!" Dave says and we all fall into our usual routine of talking and messing around.

Molly's POV

So, I'm still in Pete's badbooks because I fell asleep unintentionally outside and didn't let anyone one know where I was... Oh dear!

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