Why can't you just be happy for me!?

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This chapter is mainly a flashback of the orphanage, and her mothers death. Some mild triggers, be warned!

Flashback- the day of her mums death

"Can I go and see mummy?" I ask my auntie Silvie. Since my mum has been really ill, she's been in hospital and my grandparents have been looking after me, but today they were busy so I was with my auntie. "Sure, she said she would like you to visit today. Go and grab your coat, and then we will go!"

I run to my room, grab my coat and shoes, then run back to her. "Here, let me help!" She says as I tangle myself in the coat. She helps me put the sleeves on, and then we walk out to the car.

"You ready?" She asks me, as we drive off to the hospital. When we get there, I walk into the big building. Doctors and nurses walk around everywhere, patients being checked in and out by the receptionist were walking to and from rooms. "Molly, this way!" My auntie says as she gently pulls my arm. I follow her to a big room, with double doors.

"Mummy!" I shout as I run to her bedside. She looks up from her magazine and smiles. "Hey sweetie! My gosh you are getting big aren't you?" She says as she tickles my sides and my uncle lifts me onto the bed. "How are you feeling?" I ask in my innocent tone. "I'm fine, how are you?" She asks me. I put my thumbs up and smile. She does the same and we laugh. Looking back on it now, I can see the fake smile she put on to make me feel better.

"Danny, can you take Molly out of the room? I need to discuss something with Silvie." My mum looks at my uncle, and he nods. "Come on Molly, let's go and get so ice cream!" He says enthusiastically. I smile and jump up from the bed. "Love you mum. I will see you in a bit!" I say as I walk out of the room. "I love you too sweetie." She says. Famous last words...

Next thing we know, the machine in my mums room starts to beep really fast. Doctors go running into the room, and I spin and run after them. "MUMMY!" I scream and run to her bed, years streaming down my cheeks. "Mummy, mummy wake up. Mummy please. Why wont mummy talk to me!" I say, looking at my auntie, who has tears flowing from her eyes. My uncle is stood in the doorway, motionless and silently crying.

"I'm so sorry, we did everything we could!" The doctor says as he places a hand on my aunties shoulder. She looks so fragile, tears flowing steadily down her face. I crawl up next to my mum, and cuddle into her cold, limp body. "I love you, mummy. I'll see you again one day, I know I will." I say, and both my uncle and auntie start to cry uncontrollably. Tears cascade down my face as I hug into the lifeless body.

"I'll never forget you!" I say, barely audible.

End of flashback

I sat on the bus, headphones in and drawing pad on my legs. Today was the day that marked her death. I have never forgotten what happened, or how my family abandoned me, and left me to live in an orphanage a year later. I have never forgiven them. I don't think I ever will.

Suddenly, I'm shaken from my thoughts my the collision of a hand on my shoulder. "Fuck Alex! Don't do that!" I say, as he smirks at me and snatches my pad away from me. "Ahaha, you will never see this book again!" He shouts as he runs off the bus, and out of view. Fuck! I run after him, and end up in this huge venue. "Damn it! ALEXANDER WILLIAM GASKARTH! GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" I shout, but get no reply from anyone. God damn Alex!

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