In too deep..

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I woke up to the sound of a heart beat, and a chest rising and falling slowly. I moved my head gently to see that I was resting on Zack's chest. "Shit!" I whispered o myself as I moved slightly to get up without waking him. I threw on some joggers and Zack's T-shirt that was on the floor and went downstairs to see everyone grinning madly. "Uhm... Hi?" I say as I sit down next to Alex. "So, Zack didn't go back to bed last night... And we saw him with you this morning..." Patrick says through a wide grin. "Damn, you saw that!? Nothing happened I swear! When I had that nightmare, I didn't want to be on my own. Once you guys left, I asked Zack to stay. I fell asleep in his arms shortly after." I explain to the guys.

As I finish explaining,  Zack walks downstairs and comes over to me. "I wondered where you and my T-shirt had gone, I was worried when I woke up and couldn't find you." He says as I jump up so he can sit down. I then plonk myself on his lap. The guys all smile and giggle, then jack goes "Molack! I ship it!" And we all burst into laughter. Zack starts to blush, and he hides his face behind my hair. I blush a little too at the comment, but manage to hide it with my head in my hands.

"So, last night...." I ask Zack as we walk into the kitchen to get drinks. Zack wraps his arms around my waist, and I feel warm and like something has set off fireworks inside me. What am I feeling for him? I think I might be falling for him. No, I can't! I'm damaged and he would only get hurt! But what if he likes me? I should tell him what I feel.... I think to my self as he pulls me close to him. He nuzzles his head into my neck and I close my eyes. The feel of his warm breath on my skin sends a shiver down my spine.

"There is something that I want to tell you. Molly, I..." Zack starts but stops when Pete walks into the room. "Shit! Sorry am I intruding on something here? I can come back if you want me to?" Pete says as we both watch him. "Uh, yeah you kinda are... But it's fine! I'll tell you later, OK?" Zack says as he kisses my cheek and walks out the room. I'm left standing there shocked, so Pete comes over.

"You two looked cosy! What was that about?" I look at Pete and sigh. I have to tell him. He's my dad! "I think.... I might be.... Slightly... Uncontrollably.... Falling for.... Zack." I say to Pete. He runs over to me, picks me up and spins me around. "Yay! I knew from the moment you guys met that something would happen! Argh, I want you two to get together. Even if he is 8 years older..." Pete says as he puts me back down on the floor. I grab the worktop to steady myself as the world spins around me. "Please don't say anything to the guys. I don't know how he feels... I don't think he likes me like that anyway..." I say as I put my hand to my head, hoping that it well help me gain my vision back, instead of seeing a spinning Pete. "I won't. Don't worry, but I think he does." Pete says as we walk back into the front room to the guys.

*Patrick's POV*

"Molly, we have something that we want to tell you." I say as Molly and Pete come back into the room. She sits down next to Zack, and he puts his arm around her shoulder. Those guys are so cute together! I think to myself. "What's up daddy stump?" She asks me. Because me, Pete, Joe and Andy are all her dads, she calls us 'daddy' but adds our last names at the end. Useful so we know who she is talking about, but really annoying sometimes. "Well, you know we've told you that there was a possibility of us going on tour?" I say, slightly implying the question as to whether she remembers or not. "Yeah, why?" She asks with a confused face. She looks at me, then at the others who are all grinning like mad. "Oh, my, god! Are you going on tour!?" She asks with excitement. We all smile, and Pete nods. She squeals and jumps up and hugs us all.

"There is something else... We are touring with two other bands..." He says nodding his head towards Alex and the boys. She seems to wonder and then realises what I am on about. "Their coming too!!!??" She seems so excited when she runs and hug the others. She hugs Zack last, kissing his cheek before she gets wrapped up in his arms. Sooo cute!! I think as I watch them being all lovey-dovey. "Who is the other band? Is it one that I know?" She asks, intrigued as to who it is. "Well, I'm fairly sure you know them. I've heard you singing along to their songs..." I say as she looks at me with confusion.

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