Chapter 4

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Yamato: What the-?! W-who are you?!

Dark Figure: I'm you.

Yamato: Nani–!

(Moments ago)

Yamato(SBY) was nervously waiting for the three Yamato-Class ships to arrive at the Eagle Union HQ, Hawaii. She was so nervous she had to distract herself with something to calm her down a little bit. Analyzer grabbed some chocolate covered strawberry cake from the cafeteria and some coke cola and gave it to Yamato. The Space Battleship hesitated to eat the cake, but ate it anyway.

Analyzer monitored her heart rate, it was beating fast earlier before giving the cake. Now her heart rate is calming down which is a good sign before anything serious happens to Yamato, this hasn't happened before during the Garmillas-Earth War. She even has a formal, yet badass duel with a Garmillas interdimensional submarine. That was acting like a German U-boat with modern Submarine tactics, but the duel ended with a draw and a new friend.

Yorktown entered her office once more, after she was called for something to discuss. She sees Yamato calmly eating the cake given by Analyzer on the coffee table.

Yorktown: Got hungry, Yamato?

Yamato: Ah–

Analyzer: Yamato's heart rate was beating fast due to being nervous to meet her younger self and her two sisters. I got some cake and soda because it's Yamato's favorite snack back in our universe.

Yamato: Like what the Analyzer said…

Yorktown: I see… I mean it's normal to be nervous, it's not everyday you're going to meet your younger self even. If she's from another universe.

Yorktown approached her desk, sat down on her chair then checked some paperwork on her desk. Yamato continued eating the chocolate covered strawberry cake with satisfaction all over her face, Analyzer helped Yorktown with the paperwork even the Eagle Union carrier tried to deny the assistance from the red 2202 Robot.

It was peaceful, but it ended shortly as a sailor bursted open the door of Yorktown's office while breathing heavily to catch some air. Yorktown, Yamato and Analyzer were immediately tensed up by the sudden presence of the sailor.

Sailor: Ma'am! Shinano requested back up! They have been ambushed by Sirens!

Yorktown: Get the ships–!

Yamato: No! I will handle it!

Yorktown: Are you joking?! You don't know how many there are! Sailor, how many sirens?!

Sailor: We don't know! But some say there's a portal letting siren ships pass through!

Yorktown: Yamato– What the?!

Yorktown sees that Yamato already left, Analyzer was left inside the office along with the sailor. Meanwhile with Yamato, she ran towards herself, as it turned on startling everyone near it who were curious about the new ship docked between two Gerald R. Ford Carriers.

Yamato: Engage!

Yamato's ship was engulfed by the same color blue that turned into her riggings, but instead of mini cubes. It was like smoke going to her, the bluish smoke engulfed Yamato entirely before fading revealing her futuristic riggings. Yamato got on the water with no issue balancing, she heard Yorktown behind her but she ignored it.

Yamato: Superluminal Warp!

A portal twice the height and width than Yamato appeared suddenly, surprising everyone present around to witness the ability of Yamato. She walks through the portal and immediately sees her younger self backing away from the portal.

(AL) Yamato: What the-?! W-who are you?!

(SB) Yamato: I'm you.

(AL) Yamato: Nani–?!

Before (AL) Yamato finished her sentence, (SB) Yamato grabbed her by the hand as she blocked an incoming laser that was targeted towards (AL) Yamato. The laser was deflected by (SB) Yamato's wave motion shield letting her block or deflect incoming attacks with ease, but there's a limit before the shield disappears.

(SB) Yamato: Listen to me, check our sisters if they weren't heavily injured then carry them through the portal.

(AL) Yamato: H-hai!

(AL) Yamato did what her older self told her to do, as (SB) Yamato turned towards the multiple siren ships surrounding them. (SB) Yamato smirks, as she is going to fight after so long not fighting enemies back in her universe.

(SB) Yamato: Come at me!

(SB) Yamato fired her Positron Shock Cannons at the siren ships, bluish light came out of the triple-barrelled turrets heading towards the siren ship. When the laser hit their targets, it penetrated their armour like it was butter getting cut by a sharp knife. They exploded into scrap metal.

(SB) Yamato launched some mini missiles that were actually some kind of magnet, the mini missiles flew towards destroyed siren ships and started beeping, indicating that Yamato had completed control. She smirked as she raised her hand up causing the destroyed siren ships to float on the air despite being somewhere around 40,000 tons or more, (AL) Yamato watches her older self in disbelief.

(SB) Yamato slammed down her hand letting the destroyed siren ships collide with still operating siren ships, multiple explosions happened around them. She fired her Positron Shock Cannons again, destroying siren ships per minute, as (AL) Yamato carried the unconscious Musashi and Shinano on her shoulders.

(SB) Yamato: Missile swarm!

Missiles from (SB) Yamato's riggings were launched vertically before it fixed itself to fly towards the siren ships making a chain of explosions around them, she dodged and deflated attackings from siren ships even a barrage of missiles coming to her. But it hit her wave motion shield, completely shrugging off their destructive capabilities like it was nothing. (AL) Yamato hesitantly went through the portal but went through it anyway.

(SB) Yamato: You guys are lucky, I won't use my Wave Motion Gun.

(SB) Yamato quickly went through the portal before she closed it, she was back in the Eagle Union HQ, and saw her unconscious sisters getting medical attention while her younger self was glaring at her, not with hatred. But confusion and curiosity. (SB) Yamato just smiled at her assuring everything will be fine.

(AL) Yamato: You're me… But how? Your riggings... How is it possible?

(SB) Yamato: Parallel universe theory can confirm it, Yamato or young me. I came from the future.

(AL) Yamato: From the future…?

(AL) Yamato suddenly fainted causing her older self to catch her before she fully collapsed, (SB) Yamato carried her younger self to dry land. As medical staff took her and laid her down on a medical bed conveniently taken from the infirmary of the base, as the medical staff took the unconscious Yamato-Class towards the infirmary.

(SB) Yamato: I got some explanation to do…

(SB) Yamato looked towards Yorktown with her arms crossed with a semi-angry face, Analyzer was beside the eagle union carrier doing the same pose. As Yorktown but (SB) Yamato can't tell what kind of emotion Analyzer was doing.

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