11. Enemies

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(3rd Person Pov)

Vio looked up from her phone, a gentle smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. "Hmm?"

Cassy gasped. "Oh my sweet Jesus it's Asher, isn't it?" She grabbed for Vio's phone.

"Ooh let me see." Aya peered over Cassy's shoulder to look at the text messages. "Translate the Afrikaans over there. I have a good feeling about it."

Vio protested. "Can I have my phone back?"

Cassy shook her head. "Nope." 

As Aya expected, the Afrikaans meant 'I love you'. "Hehe."

"Can I take a picture of that?" Irene asked, standing behind Aya, reaching for her phone. "If I'm going to become your friend, I need some blackmail."

Cassy turned around. "I like you." She grinned. Completely oblivious to the slight smile that has now taken over Irene's face. Thought Aya. So blind.

"So how did the sister of Swamura Daichi become the best friend of Sugawara Koshi's sister?" Irene asked, shifting the topic to a new one to save an extremely flustered Violet.

"Ah it's a long story. [A story you'll know if you read the bonus scene at the bottom :)] We met each other one day, started insulting each other, and became best friends." Aya breezed through the story.

"Aren't the two gangs supposed to be lifelong enemies though?" Irene questioned.

"Not the case for them." Vio rolled her eyes. "And now I'm supposedly best friends with Cassy and the alien over there."

"Wow you and Kenji [Kenjiro Shirabu] are more alike than I had ever realised, Salty." Aya grinned. "Eh. Whiteboard still sounds better."

"Wha...? You know what, I'm not even going to bother to ask." Irene sighed.

After a while, when it was time to go back after a lunch at Irene's bakery, Aya and Vio set off, leaving Cassy and Irene to spend some quality time together. That may or may not be due to Aya's doing.

"So, what do you think?" Aya asked Vio. Vio shrugged. "Well, one thing you can count on: Koshi is definitely not going to stand by and watch this happen any more."

"No, I meant those two!" Aya rolled her eyes. 

Vio smiled. "You don't even know if Irene is gay, Aya. Also you know that Cassy isn't sure about her sexuality yet."

Aya set her mouth into a line of determination. "Soulmates are soulmates, Vio." Then she had a playful smile on again. "Like you and Asher!"

They reached the mansion, and after receiving a half-hearted elbow to her stomach, Aya walked in with Vio. After checking the outside, of course.

They walked into the center of the mansion to see Suga with about 700 million different sheets of paper in front of him and double the amount of notebooks.

"Holy fuck!" Aya exclaimed, making Suga look up with a surprised expression. "What the hell Suga! Have you eaten? Have you even drank water? Don't give me that look. I can tell when you're tired as shit and haven't eaten anything!"

Vio was silently laughing. Sometimes it was hard to tell that Koshi was the older sibling.

Suga had an indignant look on his face. "I did eat! And drink!"

"He ate a cookie and drank coke." Sakusa informed Aya. "We've been trying to convince him to eat lunch for about 4 hours."

"Suga, you have to eat!" Shirabu said, coming into the room with a bowl of spicy mapo tofu, his favourite. "Oikawa made this."

Yep, Kawa is a surprisingly good cook. 

Suga looked at the info, presumbly about Flames, and then looked at the tofu. Shirabu sighed and offered. "Me and Kenma will do that for you."

And that was that. "Thanks for the food!" He yelled to Kawa before starting to dump the whole thing into his mouth.

Aya sighed. "I didn't mean that when I said to eat some food..."

Vio nudged her. "Eh, it'll be fine. He's only had a cookie! For god's sake."

(BONUS SCENE; How Aya and Cassy met: 1)

(Note: Aya is 12 and Cassy is 11 here)

Aya sprinted away from the mansion, her twin pigtails flying behind her. Excitement made her heart beat faster.

A first mission. 

It was simple. All she had to do was collect some gossip and newspapers etc, to give her brother some info. 

They had recently recruited Kenma Kozume and Akaashi Keiji, who both needed info to do their jobs.

However simple it might be, it was a first mission.

She slowed down to a slow stroll, copying how she has seen other girls walk. Hands in pockets, chin tilted up, and sholder-blades pulled back.

Very soon she reached the heart of Miyagi. The excitement was forcibly pushed down, and she walked into one of the most popular malls looking like any teenager going shopping.

She pretended to be interested in a navy hoodie to eavesdrop on two middle-aged ladies. They seemed like the gossiping kind.

"Did you know about the two kids who ran away from the orphanage? The Sa-something siblings. Don't know what they're doing now, though some people say they've seen the brother with a knife like a madman!"

"What? How old are they?"

"13 and 11, they say. Such disgraces!"

"Oh my, children these days, they don't appreciate the orphanage looking after them, do they?"

Aya took deep breaths. She knew what orphanages were like, and couldn't help feeling sympathy for the siblings.

(continued in next chapter)

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