VII. Port Angeles

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Cassie found herself sitting at a picnic table outside the school during lunch. The weather was nice for once, and everyone was taking advantage of it. Almost everyone was wearing shorts, the girls basking in the light, hoping to get a small tan.

Cassie wore a simple tee-shirt with shorts, while Bella stuck to her normal jeans and sat at the table as it were just another day.

"They're not here." Jessica said, not even looking at the girls, knowing they were looking for Jasper and Edward. "Whenever the weather's nice, the Cullens disappear."

Bella glanced over at her. "They just...ditch?"

"No, Dr. and Mrs. Cullen yank em' out for like, hiking and camping and stuff." Jessica informed, huffing slightly. "I tried the idea out on my parents...Not even close."

Cassie was mid bite, when a heap of dark hair flung itself onto Cassie. Grabbing the table for support, before she hugging Angela back. "I'm going to prom with Eric!!" She pulled away, and flung herself onto Bella. "I just asked him, took control!" She grinned. "Are you sure you guys aren't going to go?"

"Yeah." Cassie responded, Bella nodding in agreement. "But I'm really happy for you, Ang! You are going to have so much fun!"

"Oh my god, we need to hit the stores in Port Angeles before the dresses get cleaning out." Jessica said, looking over at them.

"Port Angeles?" Bella repeated, her and Cassie sharing a look. "Can me and Cassie go?"

"Um, yeah!" Angela said. "We'll need your opinions."

"Yeah." Jessica agreed.


"Ok, I like this one." Jessica said, walking over to the mirror. "It makes my boobs look good." She looked over at the two girls sitting next to the window of the shop. "What do you think?"

"It's a good color." Cassie said.

Before Bella could say anything, a group of drunk frat boys banged on the window. "Hey! Nice!" One called to Jessica, while others made cat calls. One gave Cassie a suggestive look, making her insides crawl.

"Ugh." Jessica said. "That is uncomfortable."

"Disgusting." Bella said.

"Bella?" Jessica asked again.

"It looks great." Bella answered.

"You said that about the last five dresses."

"I thought they all were pretty great." Bella said, awkwardly.

"it's not her fault that your hot." Cassie joked, making Jessica giggle.

"You two aren't really into this are you?" Angela said, her eyes softening.

"We really wanted to go to this bookstore." Bella admitted, as they started gathering their things.

"We'll meet up with you at the restaurant. If you need anything, call Bella, my phones dead."

"Are you sure?" Angela asked.

"Yeah, sorry."

The two quickly exited the store, and made their way to the bookstore. "So, what book are we looking for?" Cassie asked, as they entered the store, the smell of paper filling her nose.

"I don't remember the name exactly. It's about some of the legends Jacob was telling me about." Bella said. Cassie nodded, and started searching for the book. It took them around fifteen minutes to find the book, and they started to make their way to the restaurant. 

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