IX. Relationship Status

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"Cassie!" Erica greeted, once the brunette stepped out of the car. Cassie looked over, and saw him waving some flyer in the air, smiling wide. She walked over to the small group of friends that surrounded him, and took the flyer from his hand.

"Monte Carlo?" Cassie read out loud from the flyer, as Erica handed out more flyers.

"That's our prom theme?" Jessica asked, looking up at Erica.

"Mhm!" Erica said, proudly. "Gambling, tuxedos, and bond....James Bond." He said dramatically, Cassie rolling her eyes while she laughed at his impression. Cassie folded the flyer, and shoved it in her backpack's side pocket.

"So!" Angela said, clapping her hands and turning towards Cassie. "Wassup with you and Jasper?" She asked, "You avoided every question I had yesterday."

"Nothing's going on." Cassie dismissed, "I mean, I like him I guess, but I doubt he likes me more than a friend."

"A friend? Girl, he had his arm around you the other night!" Angela laughed.

Cassie shrugged, "It's complicated."

"I guess Bella decided to make a move." Angela said, pointing behind Cassie.

The teen turned around, and watched as Edward got out of his Volvo, walking to the other side. He opened the door, and out stepped Bella.

"Well that's new." Cassie mumbled to herself.

"Here's something else that's new." Jessica said, gesturing to Jasper, who was approaching the group, his eye on Cassie. His arm going around her waist once he walked up, everyone staring at him in shock. He nodded to her friend, Jessica and Angela nodding back, while all the boys looked at him as if he were insane.

Jasper didn't care about what they thought about him, or what they felt. He could sense a mixture of confusion, and jealousy-mostly coming from Jessica, but ignored them, simply gently leading Cassie away from the group to walk into school.

"I don't think your friends like me much." Jasper said, lips twitching upwards a bit.

"Angela does! But other than Bella, she's the only decent friend I have." Cassie said, Jasper chuckling at her a bit.

"I suppose your right." Jasper responded. "Except for one thing."

"And what would I be wrong about?" Cassie asked, giving him a cocky smirk.

"That I don't like you more than a friend."

Cassie's eyes widen, her face turning red. "I guess you heard that." She said, turning away from him hoping he doesn't see her red face.

"Don't be embarrassed Darlin," He said, making Cassie turn even more red from the nickname. "I just thought I should tell you that I cherish you."

"Seriously?" Cassie asked, peaking up at the tall blonde.

"Seriously." He responded, bringing her hand up to his lips.


"Can I ask you a question?" Cassie asked, lifting her head that was resting on Jasper's shoulder, who was currently sitting next to her on the porch swing. Erica was inside, cooking dinner, having invited Jasper to stay. Despite his diet, he decided to accept the offer.

"Of course." He responded, turning to face her.

"If you don't want to, you don't have-"

"Your overthinking." Jasper said, cutting her off, smiling at her. "Ask away."

"Do you remember you life before....you know."

Jasper thought for a moment, before talking. "I was born in Houston in 1844." He began. "My Birth name Jasper Whitlock." Again, he took a moment before speaking. "When I was 17, I joined the confederate army, and was promoted two years later, making me the youngest Major in Texas."

Cassie looked up at him. "Do you remember the war?"

"I remember parts of it." Jasper explained, pulling Cassie closer to him.

"When did you turn?" Cassie asked, leaning against him.

"I was on my way back to Galveston, and I saw three women, who I assumed where abandoned. So, I pulled over to help them." Jasper explained, arms tightening around Cassie. The girl reached up, holding onto his hand, trying to give him some comfort. "Their names were Maria, Lucy, and Nettie. They were vampires. They changed me, saying I had potential."

"You can stop if you'd like." Cassie offered. "I can tell your uncomfortable." She said, giving his hand a squeeze again.

"I've done some terrible things, and I'm just scared of what you'll think of me." Jasper explained.

"Your not your past, Jasper. You've made mistakes, and you admit them. Your not the same person." Cassie said, leaning her head to look at him. Jasper stared down at her, trying to find any signs of dishonesty. He smiled, placing a kiss on her head.

"Your too nice." He mumbled into her hair.

Before they could continue, Erica knocked on the window. "Dinner's ready!" She said, excited to meet her step-daughter's boyfriend.


"So, Jasper." Erica started, taking a seat next to Daniel at the table. "Tell us more about you."

"There really isn't much to talk about, ma'am" Jasper said, politely.

"That can't be true." Erica said, "Obviously there's something, since you caught Cassie's attention."

"I guess that's true." Jasper said, beginning to pretend to enjoy the food.

Cassie looked between Jasper, and her dad, who hadn't said a word yet, just stared. "How was your day at work, Dad?" She asked, trying to get him to at least blink.

"Good. Went to the shooting range. Hit the target every time." He said, trying to be threatening.

Cassie rolled her eyes, "Seriously?"

"You asked." Daniel replied, taking a bite of his food.

"I would never intentionally hurt Cassie." Jasper assured, "She's very important to me."

Daniel stared for a few more moments, before nodding, accepting the answer. "Good. She better be. Because if you even th-"

Cassie cut him off before he could continue, "Dad please stop." She said, her face in her hands, hoping to hide her embarrassment.


Cassie walked Jasper to his car, giving him a sheepish smile. "Sorry about my Dad." She said.

Jasper chuckled at her, "I get where he's coming from." He said. Cassie chuckled with him.

"See you tomorrow?" She asked.

"See you tomorrow." Jasper said, kissing her forehead, before climbing in his car.

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