Chapter 4

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I stood still while sitting in the couch watching TV. It was day 2 in the morning with the so called band SHINee. I had done it; Concurring my fear in leaving that room.

Now I am sitting here with the whole band in three separate couches. Commercials were coming out but somehow for the first time it was much entertaining to watch.

"Taemin please give me the remote for the third time!" Key said while chasing around Taemin.

"No! I want to watch that show!" Taemin protested. Key made me want to chuckle when he stumbled to keep steady on his feet. That chuckle never happened, instead only a sigh came out. They both still ran in circles around the sofa, despite the glares a certain person was making. Soon that person looked like its patience ran out so he walked up to the spotlight to speak. Everyone stood silent as this person was Onew, the leader of SHINee.

"How about this" Onew said not sounding happy. He took away the remote from Taemin and looked at both of them in disappointment.  Key glared at Taemin not after looking down after his small scolding scene.

Onew shook his head and then examined the room. That is, until our eyes met.

He smiled,"Chohee you pick what to watch" He handed me the remote control.

 I widened my eyes, "Me?"

Onew nodded. I quickly glimpsed at Key and Taemin who started signaling me some signs I didn't much understand. I opened my mouth but nothing seemed to come out. Once again for the hundredth time all eyes were on me. Panicking with every breath I took, I looked over at Minho for help. Pressure overtook me with the next few actions I made.

"Uhh...Minho you pick?" I insisted while handing him the control. Minho at first seemed surprised but that soon faded away with a smile leading to Jonghyun who stood on the right side of the couch. Jonghyun in return just scowled and turned away.

Minho then changed it to some sports channel and that was when Taemin entered the spoylight.

"Aish, I got an idea! Why don't we go take a walk around the city?" Taemin asked. I in other hand widened my eyes at his words.

"Yeah, good idea! I haven’t been around this part of town before" Onew blurt out as he pursed his lips.

"Let’s go then!" Key jumped up and stretched. I still stood motionless.

"Let me change though!" Onew informed. Both Taemin and Key exchanged looks before smirking back at Onew. Onew playfully wrapped his hands around his chest alarmed. I tried to smile at how silly that was but the thought of going outside to that black hole that withhold the world bothered me.

"Stop being perverts!" Onew yelled before running off into another room, Key and Taemin trailing in back of him.

"Guess I'll go help him out" Jonghyun sighed while following all of them behind.

Now I’m not in a room filled with the members of SHINee. Now I am in a room with three green couches sitting next to Minho. I didn't care though; the memory of freezing in that rain, the thought of actually dying and hope gone came back.

~"I don't care if you have nowhere to go! I never did anyways! You're just a rat in this house!" Dongsun’s stern voice rewinded, making my ears bulge up like that day. I put my hands over my ears to make the memory stop but it didn't help at all.

"Chohee" A sudden whisper finally got me out of the flashback. I sighed in relief, the flashback finally finished. Looking into the persons eyes, I saw the same sweet eyes staring back at me.

Minho brown bulbs were bigger than usual, "Do you want to go?" His smooth voice asked. I felt shivers run down my spine after he said that. It relaxed me from the horrible shudders I had before but now it made my bones tense.

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