Chapter 21

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"Jonghyun?" Onew asked, "Aren't you going to say hello?"

Jonghyun, as if annoyed, glared over at Onew before bowing, "Hi" He only said before excusing himself out of the room.

I didn't know why he was angry but it immediately gave me the feeling that I shouldn't be here. Minho though put his arm around my back and gave me a different feeling instead.

"Chohee will sleep in my room for the night" Minho faced Onew and Kori with a smirk, "Guess I will be sleeping with Kori out here on the couch"

Onew's face immediately flushed in frustration. By his tomato red face, it only gave the impression that he was hiding something. Kori only made it worst by looking down and smiling.

"Hyung, are you actually doing what I think you are doing?" Key suddenly shocked expression changed into a smirk when Onew didn't answer, "Oh! Oh!...." He stopped and widened his mouth, "OH!" His expression now turned horrified as he stared at Onew and Kori.

I giggled deep inside. Seeing as they both blushed in embarrassment meant they have been up to sown thing. Though why is Key so surprised was my question.

"Hey" Minho suddenly stepped into my thoughts, "Come with me" Minho whispered in my ear, "Let's leave this to them, yes?"

Looking up at his tall figure inches away from my short one, I nodded. Minho slowly inched closer to a blue urban looking door I had no idea what was on the other side of it, quietly. He then opened the blue door, making it creek just a little, and guided me inside. He then turned on the lights showing a clean, organized room.

"You can put Archie here on the bed if you want" Minho said as he fixed the bed with a towel on top. First though before I even rested sleeping Archie on top of the towel, Minho stopped me for a quick second, "He is potty trained, right?" He questioned.

I chuckled, "Yes he is"

Minho blushed and waited for me to fully rest Archie, "Thank you by the way"

Minho smiled, "No problem"

I wanted to leave it there but I became really curious, "Is this the room your are staying in?"

Minho looked around and nodded, "Yes, I'm sharing with Taemin right now"

"Oh.." I patted Archie on the head, "It is really neat"

Minho chuckled quietly not to wake Archie, "If you would've came yesterday, this room would've been filthy because of Taemin" Minho grabbed my wrist and tugged it, "Let's get out before someone catches us here"

Accepting without really saying anything, he then lead me out the room and towards another door that looked more reddish looking.

Thinking it would lead us back towards the living room, it instead lead to the outside balcony.

A small gasp left my mouth as the cold air hit me like a brick. A small hint of that ran down the back of my spine.

"Here" Minho let go of his arm that was around my neck and started taking off a layer of his clothes. He then put that layer, meaning his jacket, over me.

I looked up at his eyes in which always looked so pure and calm, and whispered a quick, "Thank you but..."

"I don't want you catching a cold before we even have this little adventure tomorrow" He smiled before I could even start my sentence. He then once again pulled me back into our original position and sighed, "To be honest, it is a pretty cold night today"

I tried nodding to confirm but his chest stopped me from doing anymore. All that was heard was the soft car horns honking from the distance and small crickets singing away to the starry night sky.

"Onew...." Minho's suddenly husky voice spoke, "Don't worry about him letting you stay here" He softly chuckled, "He promised me and Taemin that if we ever found you, he will let you stay here"

By this time I wondered if Minho and Taemin were actually looking for me all this time. My biggest wonder was the reason behind it.

I faced up at the stars and just started admiring them and thinking, am I really here right now with Minho or is this another dream. True, I didn't dream my sudden encounters, I only wished I did. Before I used to have many questions to ask Minho but now none of those questions can come to mind.

"Chohee," Minho then asked.

I tried my best not to hit his chest while turning my head, "Yes?"

He gulped, making that ball inside his neck move ever so dearly.

"Can I ask now..." There was a short pause, "Where or how you've been doing?" He seemed to struggle through his words.

I licked my dry lips and fixed the coat he had just placed over me, "I've-"

"And can you tell me something other than that you've been good" He cut me off with a smile.

Trying hard not to mesmerize the smile he had just created, I let my attention stay at the stars and only that for the moment.

"I guess Samantha has been catching up with me since we haven't seen each other in ages" I faked my best giggle. Samantha and me haven't seen each other in months, true, but instead of catching up she instead has been catching up with her other friends instead, "How have you been?" I had the chance now to look at him.

Minho sighed and looked down at me, "We have been very busy going from city to city to sponsor our new album" He ran his fingers through his hair, "But other than that it's been any other normal day with SHINee" He grinned.

"Oh" Was all that came out of my mouth. It must be hard being an idol after all, especially when you have a new album or song out.

"Do you think Samantha would let you stay here?" Minho then asked like if the confession he just said didn't matter at all, "Do you need a phone to call?"

Shaking my head, I smiled, "No, I don't think she will be home today anyways"

Minho, even though I declined, still took out his phone and unlocked it, showing his home screen, "Are you sure?"

I looked away from the phone and gave him a reassuring smile, "I'm sure"

He locked his phone, making the shutter sound it makes go off, and put his phone away in his pocket before returning to look out at the stars.

In my mind all of this was.....


No words came out of both of us but only our warm breaths covering us in a small shield from the cold air. The sky was clear from any clouds making the stars today seem much brighter than any other night and the moon was full. The smell of nice broth tipped our noses while the touch of Minho warm and securing arms cuddled my body in a way. Why did this all seem so familiar? Was it a dream I had or have I seen this in movies before?

"Chohee..." Minho muttered suddenly.

I looked at his eyes. The stars even brought a small shine out of them as I did.

"Can I ask you just one thing?" He questioned.

I gasped.

Now it all came together. This was exactly the same scene I had experienced with the most terrifying figure in my life right now.


Instead of a starry night it was more of a rainy and stormy night. We were out eating some warm soup because of this. He held me in his arms under an umbrella as a huge thunder was going on over us. He grabbed me close under the rain and looked deep into my eyes. Then all of a sudden it happen. He kissed me for the first time and said he loved me. He also said I was the only one for him and obviously that wasn't true at all.

From that day was when my heart was all given over to him. I was young after all so it wasn't a stupid idea at the time at all.

"I've been meaning to ask you for a while now and..." Minho voice suddenly entered my ears.

I got out of our little cuddling position and turned my back to him before he could continue.

"Sorry" I apologized. Pointing towards the outline of the street I turned to face him, "I thought I saw someone... get into a car crash" I lied.

Minho lifted his chin up to see where I had been pointing and smiled, "Maybe it was just a lady dropping her pans and the echo somehow made it seem like that"

No matter how hard I tried, I felt my heart drop at how sincere he looked. No matter what I say or what I did he always has an explanation and or smiles making it a lot better.

"Do you want to go inside better?" Minho offered after.

I nodded, "It's a pretty good idea"

Minho turned around, opened the reddish door and offered me to go first.

I took in one last deep breath of air and walked towards the inside of the building feeling bad but thankful in what I just did.

Regret started filling the inner side of my body since I really did wanted to know what he was going to say but deep inside I couldn't.

How could I stand there and get hurt once again. Sure this guy has been in my mind all the time since I left and sure I felt so much better around him but just like always....Dongsun had to be the reason I couldn't open up to him and trust him like I trusted Dongsun with everything. After all this thinking I think I have finally came into a conclusion.

Will I ever get to love another loving soul again?

"OMG, ITS A DOG!" I heard a loud screech come from the living room.

"Kori! Get on the couch now!" Someone then yelled.

I exchanged glances with Minho before running towards the room all of this sound was coming from. Even with all the running, I didn't know my way around this apartment or room or whatever I was in.

Minho though, led the way. He opened up a white door showing all the SHINee members with one girl on top of a table or couch.

"Chohee! Minho! Look out" Onew called out to us, "How did this dog get inside here?"

Ignoring Onew comments about the dog, I ran alongside Archie who pouted and hid himself under a nearby table.

"CHOHEE!" Onew called out, "You don't know if it has rabies or something"

Laughing at idea, I clapped my hands while kneeling down to Archie, "Come on baby" I clapped, "It's okay to come out, these aren't mean people"

Archie, happy in seeing a familiar face, jumped on top of me and licked my face like a lollipop.

"Woa boy!" I chuckled, "Take it easy, I wasn't gone for long"

"OMG!" Kori squealed, "It's so cute"

Finally getting Archie out of my face, I picked myself up and grabbed on to Archie tightly, "Sorry! His name is Archie" I patted his head, "He wasn't supposed to show himself like this" I apologized.

"Wait" Onew said as he got off of the couch, "He's yours?"

Nodding, I scratched the back of his ear, "He was sleeping in the room, he wasn't supposed to be here in the first place"

"He was where?" Onew's tone now changed into a very angry one.

"Onew, I let him sleep in my room while I showed Chohee around" Minho cut in, "I'm sorry"

Onew was about to say something which didn't seem so good when Kori cut in,"But Onew" She smiled, "Look at how cute he is" She looked at me, "Can I pat him?"

Smiling, I nodded.

Right before Kori could even start to pat his head, Archie jumped out of my hands and into hers.

"Archie!" I scolded him. So far he was giving a bad impression and if he ruins it with Kori he is done for.

Kori gratefully hugged him though as if nothing, "Aww, is he still a puppy?" She asked.

"Actually he is a little over puppy years but still active like a puppy" I laughed. Archie sniffed and sniffed Kori before licking her hand. At least he knew not to lick everyone's faces.

"Okay, the dog can stay but.." Onew faded off, "He sleeps with you Chohee and please if you can not scare me like that again"

"Done" I confirmed before he can change his mind, "Thank you" I bowed.

Onew grinned, "Anytime"

"Oops!" Kori runs towards Onew and puts Archie right on his face, "Lick him little doggy, lick him" She starts teasing Onew.

"No! I don't want dog saliva on me" Onew dodges Archie and runs off into another room.

"Onew!" Kori yells. She gives me back Archie and smiles, "I will be right back" She winked and giggled before running off after him, "Onew! But it's a little doggy! It won't do anything"

"NO!" Onew yells.


Doors slam and now only me, Minho, Archie stood in the room. Or that's what I thought.

"Is it safe to come out?" A whisper called from a cabinet.

"Yes?" I looked at Minho with the same confused eyes.

Out came out Taemin and Key from under the table, obviously squished together and struggling to get out.

"Here" I let Archie down on the floor quickly to help them out. I handed out my hand and waited for any of the two to grab before helping them out. Key finally grabbed hold of my hand and as on cue, I helped him up.

"Thank you" Key smiled, "Onew said it was a rat" Key scowled, "What else will this guy say next"

I giggled, "I'm sorry for scaring you guys like that" I apologized.

"It's not your fault" Taemin insisted, "Onew was the one...well yes..." He chuckled.

"Well as long as that idiot let the poor little dog stay" Key said as he kneeled down to play with him, "Where will you stay though?" He then asked.

"I-" Minho walked up to Taemin, "Thought she could stay in our room tonight"

"Nonsense" Key got up with Archie and looked at me, "She will stay in my room this time since last time I wasn't very housewarming to her" He smiled.


"She will sleep in my room" Key repeated, "Okay?"

Both Minho and Taemin faced each other before nodding, "Okay"

A/N: OMO! Long wait but I finally updated :) thank you so much for waiting and better yet voting even if I was on hiatus <3 thank you

And by the way~ today is the official anniversary of me entering this Kpop world~ so I'm no newbie anymore XD YAY

Also....R.I.P. To Paul Walker....heaven has just been given another angel <3

Endless Hate (A SHINee/샤이니 FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now