Two (the classic description)

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I open my eyes after what feels like an eternity long nap. I promptly sit up and look around. I am in a hallway, but it isn't the one at my house. The lights above me are buzzing, the yellow walls are faded, and the carpet that I am sitting on feels damp. I stand up, and my clothes feel soggy against my skin. Excellent. I walk around a little bit, I am aware that I know where I am, but I can't quite put my finger on it. My memory feels a little hazy, and I start to wonder how I got here and where I could find an exit.
    I start to shiver, and goosebumps are running down my spine. I can feel a presence behind me. Something big. I slowly turn around, and find a familiar, black beast only inches away from my face. I couldn't make out it's features, but I could tell that it was not so happy to see me. I scream and start running as fast as I can down the hall in front of me. I was desperate to get away from this thing, before it hurts me, or worse, kills me.
    "You weren't supposed to remember!" The beast roars as it starts after me. It's voice reminds me of the color red, it was loud and smooth. Maybe I was overthinking things, trying to distract myself. My stomach was churning in fear, but my legs were far from done. Every time I thought they would give out, they kept going. Running, running, running. I barrel down hall after hall. I am absolutely terrified and have half the mind to just give up. I find myself feeling a little bit lightheaded as memories slowly start coming back to me. First, being at my house, then falling, blacking out...why was I in the hall to begin with again? I turned a corner and it hit me.
"Daisy!" I gasped out as I continued straight. I saw a turn coming up, and continued to run full speed only to turn right in the last second. I turned to look behind me in hopes that my trick worked, and slowed down a little after I saw nothing behind me. Turning my body to face in front again, I can see a door. I slowly come to a stop, and half of me contemplates turning the handle. I was scared out of my mind. I got out of here once. I may not be so lucky if I turn back for Daisy. I shake my head dismissively and walk away from the door.
As I run, I am calling out Daisy's name in desperation. Right now, the beast is nowhere to be seen, and I am really hoping that I can find Daisy before that thing, whatever it is, does. Just as I am thinking this, I take a left and see my sister, curled up in a corner of the dead end. I stop running and approach her quietly. She has her knees up to her chest, and she is just sitting. Staring. Her cheeks are tear stained. I wonder how long she's been sitting here? I go and put my hand on her shoulder and she seems to snap out of her trance.
The moment she made eye contact with me, I gave her a quick smile and grabbed her by her wrist. I knew the beast would catch up with us if we didn't go. "Come on Daisy. We need to run now." I gasped for air while dragging my little sister. She was slowing down. I turned back down the hall where I thought the door was, but it wasn't there. "Damnit." I mutter under my breath. I scooped Daisy up and continued to run. It felt like I was going in circles, and I could hear the beast's shrill scream behind us. "You weren't supposed to remember!"
    I don't know how but I got lucky. I made a right turn and saw the door. I quickly put Daisy down and dragged her down the darkening hall. The stench of mold is making me nauseous, and I can feel the damp walls closing in on me. I do my best to take a deep breath. I know this has happened to me before, and I survived it. Before long we reached the door and I didn't hesitate to turn the handle and push Daisy through, following close behind.
    Next thing I know, I am outside, holding my sisters small hand, in a wide, empty field.

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