Twenty-Three (common flooding and a dead character)

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    I stood up and looked around the room. It was the most peculiar room. Everything was sideways, like the room was rotated 180 degrees, but my feet remained on the floor. There was a sideways door. Had a yellow light under it, but it was much harsher than the light that led Daisy home.
    Before going through the door, I decided to poke around the room a little bit. I approached the sideways window, and tried to open the curtains. They were heavy as led. It was almost as if they were made of steel. I ignored the curtains and wandered over to the bookshelf, as the water in the spongy carpet rose. I've gotten used to the idea that flooding was a common occurrence here. I took a book off the shelf. The cover was a mutilated girl. I dropped the book, sighed, then picked it back up.
    It was Alice in Wonderland. The girl had a black bow, and a blue and white blood stained dress. Her eyes were gone. I didn't look at the image much harder, I don't wanna remember the image of a dead childhood character. I put the book back where I found it and went over to the door. 'I wonder if this will take me home?' I thought to myself before turning the brass knob, and blacking out. Again.

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