I think I'll like it here in Japan

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Note: any thing in italics is a thought

"Alrighty. Here's your room. It looks like Bakugou and I will be your neighbors" says Kirishima with a bright smile.

'I'm not gonna lie...it makes me a little nervous to have two alphas living so close to me' You begin to fidget nervously thinking about your past with Alphas

Noticing the change in your demeanor Kirishima sniffs the air. 'She's letting out distress pheromones'

"Y/n are you okay? What's wrong?" He waits a little for a response but you seem to be too deep in thought to hear him. Not knowing what else to do Kirishima embraces you in a tight hug releasing calming pheromones.

"It's okay Y/n. You're safe."

Your breathing slows as you come back to your senses. Relaxing your body in his embrace you tilt your head up more towards his scent glands to get a better smell.

'It seems like her pheromones are back to normal. I wonder what could've freaked her out like that....oh! I think I know...'

Looking down at you nuzzled into his chest Kirishima ask, "Are you okay now?"

Your eyes widen and you gently push away from him after realizing you were still hanging on to him. "Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I didn't realize I was still holding on to you like that."

"Haha that's okay. I don't mind. If you ever find yourself needing comfort or in a situation like just now don't be afraid to rely on me..uh well as long as that's alright with you that is."

"I'd like that thank you and thank you for helping me just now too."

"Of course. What kind of man would I be if I didn't." He proclaims as he gives you his famous smile

"Oh, by the way. Can you tell me what happened. I was really worried for a second there. Did me saying Bakugou and I are your neighbors make you anxious?"

Hesitating for a moment you open your mouth to answer but then close it just as quickly.

'It's okay to answer him. I'm sure he won't judge you. Be brave Y/n.'

"Yeah....even though we just met earlier..I know you two won't hurt me, but a lot of things have happened to me in the past so I can't help but feel a little anxious.  Sorr-"

"Don't apologize Y/n. What ever happened to you wasn't your fault. Thank you for telling me why you were distressed. If you ever need someone to talk to about what happened to you in the past I'm all ears."

You smile at his response and blink away a few surfacing tears. "Kirishima if I come to you with all that stuff you might be overwhelmed don't you think" you say with a laugh.

"Huh? I don't think I will. I want to be friends with you Y/n and what are friends for if they don't have your back?"

'So far it really does seem the Alphas here in Japan are different. No one has ever told me that what happened to me wasn't my fault. I think I might like it here in Japan'

To be continued...

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