Welcoming Party

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•The next day•

You've finished unpacking the boxes in your room and decided to grab a snack. On your way to the kitchen you notice everyone chilling in the living room area.

"Uh...hey, what's everyone up to?" , you ask, cocking your head to the side

"We all wanted to have a little get together to make you feel welcomed and to hopefully get to know you a bit better"

'That's sweet of them...getting to know everyone a little wouldn't hurt'

Walking over to them you say, "That sounds like fun. I'm down. So what are we gonna do? Play games? Or just talk?"

Thrilled at the mention of games, Mina squeals and does a weird little shimmy. "Ouu ouu! I vote for games!"

"While games sound fun I think it would be better to introduce ourselves a little more and start with a basic conversation", Momo says with a gentle smile.

Soon the rest of the class erupts trying to state their opinion on the matter.

"We should have a class vote!"

'Lol now everyone is having a debate on what we should do...they all seem very lively. I don't think I'll have any dull moments with them'

"Everyone quiet down! I agree with Yayurozu! We should prioritize familiarizing ourselves with L/n"

'If I remember correctly I think his name is Iida...both him and Momo seem to be very formal.'

Noticing the classes little debate going no where you try to step in, "Uh, guys I think-"

"Iida you're no fun. We can still get to know her by playing games"

Sighing to yourself and lightly giggling, you think to yourself

'Jeez I can't even get a word in huh'

You get ready to speak up once more only to be interrupted yet again, "EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP! This shitty party is for Y/n right? So why are you all trying to make the decision for her. How about asking her what she wants to do instead of arguing like a bunch of idiots."

'Where did he even come from? He surprised me....'

Turning your head around to look at him, you notice he's holding a bunch of food.

'Wait did he cook all that?! Pfft he doesn't look like the type'

Not noticing you had been staring at him...and with a goofy grin on your face at that, you were surprised by his next statement, "You going to keep staring at me like that or are you gonna hurry up and tell everyone what you want?"

"Oh my gosh! I didn't know I was staring my bad"

Chuckling at your reaction Bakugou smirks and says, "Don't worry about it"

Thank you everyone for supporting this story. It means a lot to me.

See yall next time my Goddesses ❤

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