Welcoming party pt2

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Seeing Bakugou smirk and chuckle at you causes your cheeks to heat up. You quickly avert your eyes and refocus your attention to everyone else, hoping he didn't notice....but of course...he did.

"So Y/n what do you think we should do?" asked the gentle green haired alpha

"To be honest I think playing games would be interesting. Oh! And maybe we can watch a movie..", you say still thinking.

After saying this a pink and yellow blur come rushing towards you, "We knew you wouldn't let us down Y/n!"

"Oi! Raccoon eyes! Dunce face! Let go of her...its only her second day here she doesn't want you idiots clinging to her"

"Hmph you're just jealous."

"Yeah Kacchan. You're just mad cause Y/n likes Mina and I better than you"

"Listen here you overgrown charger and listen well. I'm not mad or jealous. I could do what you two are doing any time."

Mina and Denki briefly look at one another and smirk wanting to tease Bakugou, "Well then prove it"

Kirishima's P.O.V

'I should probably step in. This could be a bit overwhelming for her....especially after what she said yesterday'

"Hey guys, maybe we should give Y/n a little space."

"Awe not you too Kiri." Denki says with a pout.

"Yeah, booooo!" Mina says as she clings tighter.

"Guys think about it....you're both alphas that she doesn't know very well yet. Don't you think that could be a bit nerve wracking?"

The two gasp after hearing what Kirishima said for they didn't think of it like that. They both just wanted to show affection to the new girl.

End of Kirishima's P.O.V

Quickly releasing you, they both step back. Bombarding you with their apologies. Looking at the scene they're creating you giggle to yourself, "It's fine. I knew you two didn't mean any harm to be honest I didn't really mind so much, but Bakugou and Kirishima are right it is a little overwhelming. So just give me some time to get used to everyone, okay?"

Turning towards the explosive blonde and the sweet redhead; you smile gently at them making sure to thank them.

"Tch. No problem." replies Bakugou as he makes his way to the couch and sits the trays of food down on a nearby table.

'He's definitely the prideful type. He doesn't seem like a bad guy though.'

Following Bakugou's lead you wave Kiri over to your side and the two of you make your way over to the couch. Sitting right between Deku and Todoroki.

"So Y/n do you have any thing specific you want to watch?"

"Oh! Right. Hmmm...how about Alien?"

Alright my Goddesses that's the end of this chapter. Hope ya liked it. See ya next time 😊

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