Todoroki vs Yn

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"Alright you two, step up to the field when you're ready."

You both make your way to the center of the fighting area, staring straight ahead at one another. Waiting for the other to make the first move.

The stand off seemed to drag on for hours, when it was truly only a minute or two. Impatient you make the first move...which was exactly what Todoroki was hoping you'd do. Sending large shards of ice your way, hoping to get this battle over quickly.

Thanks to your quick reflexes you jump out of the way and use both your speed and agility to get close to him.

'Yes! I have him in striking all I have to do is-', your thoughts come to a halt as fire erupts from his right side, sending you jumping backwards to safety.

'I he has two quirks as well. This should be fun'

Bakugou's Pov

'That new nerd is fairing pretty well against Icy Hot...her battle stance is well balanced, flexibility, agility, strength, speed and strategic ability are seemingly flawless as well. Hah! That'll make it even more fun to break her during our fight. She seems like a worthy capable opponent for me.'

I watch closely as Y/n quickly adapts to both of Icy Hot's quirks. Maneuvering past his attacks almost with ease, whilst send a barrage of attacks of her own.

'It's pretty damn impressive that she can fight Half n' Half at such a close combat distance...though I guess even when they started off at long distance her defense was also exceptional. However it doesn't seem like she's used her quirk at all yet..all Y/n's done so far is punch, kick and defend. If she's not taking that bastard seriously she'll lose. Wait...maybe it's not really a matter of her taking it seriously...what if she's hiding something? Now that I think about it she never told us her quirk. Tch..I'm sure it's just a stupid quirk anyways, there's no way it's better than mine.'

Hey hey. I know this chapter is a little short and I haven't posted as frequently on both my stories as I used to, but I've been busy with college and haven't had the time to write. Hopefully I'll be able to get the next chapter out soon.

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Btw please support my art...follow me on tiktok, Twitter and insta. Please be sure to like/heart and follow my content. I'm hoping to one day make mangas where black women are the MC's and not just some background or support character and in order to do that I NEED yalls help. Anyways thanks and I hope to you like my stories and art. More art below

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