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Third Person's P.O.V.:

One young girl with (h/c) hair and (e/c) is laying on her bed in the darkness. Eyes wide open filled with excitement. In her mind she is thinking of all the great activities she'll do today but she is not getting up. She is waiting for something. From time to time she is turning her head checking up at the digital clock on her bedside table the numbers being the only source of light in the room. 8:46 am. Fifteen more minutes. She goes back to staring at her ceiling. How long has she been staring at it? Thirty minutes? She sighs.

"How much longer am I to wait?" She complains. She looks at the clock again. 8:47am .She sits up and starts biting her nails not being able to wait any longer.

"I'm sure she won't mind waking up a bit earlier" She says her thoughts out loud a devious smirk on her face.

She gets up and starts walking barefoot towards the room's door. She turns the door knob as quietly as possible to go unnoticed. She pulls the door slowly and starts walking down a long hallway. At the end of it she stops in front of another door. Once again she turns the door knob and enters the room fast and silently. Unlike the first this room was illuminated by a night led light and the slightly open shutters. The girl looks around the room and then she starts walking towards the room's bed another girl was sleeping on. The girl starts softly shaking the sleeping figure.

"Get up!" She demands whilst whispering but she gets no reaction. "Come on we have stuff to do" She continues shaking the sleeping girl harder. The sleeping girl starts complaining with grumpy moans. "If you get up now I'll give you your present!" The girl encourages her. The sleeping girl finally gives in and opens her eyes. She sits up.

"I thought I told you last year not to wake me up until nine" She scolded

"Yeah but I couldn't wait and it's ALMOST nine so I didn't think it really mattered" She said and made a cute face.

"Ok fine you are forgiven because it's your birthday" She eventually said and got up.

"You mean our birthday" The other girl corrected.

"Yes Y/n our birthday" She agreed and smiled. Y/n smiled back but then the mirror hanged in her sister's wardrobe behind her sister caught her eye. Her sister noticed that y/n was looking at something else and turned to see. In the mirror there were two girls although anyone else would think it was the same girl since they looked identical. Same hair colour, eyes, head shape everything. Just a small difference y/n sister has a small mole on her right cheek. That was the only characteristic differing the one from the other or at least that was what people always said. But the girls knew better than that. They knew they were different in many ways. Y/n was the immature one, the one that was open to everything, she was cheerful, loud and joyful. Her sister on the other hand was shy, more mature, well mannered and quiet. She was also brave and y/n knew deep inside that her sister was a bit smarter, just a little bit.

"So what do you have planned for today Y/n?" She asked bringing her back to reality.

"Um yes so since we are finally ten I was thinking of taking you somewhere" Y/n replied with a mischievous look.

"Where?" Her sister asked intrigued.

"After searching for quite a while I have found one" She once again gave an unclear answer. Her sister's eyes opened wide understanding what her sister had discovered.

"NO!" She said in disbelief.

"YES! I found one it's abandoned, of course, but some people said that some rides are still working and there is a fence around it so it's also safe!" She revealed a bit more.

"Is it out of the walls?" She asked

"Yes obviously, it wouldn't be abandoned otherwise" Y/n replied knowing what was to come.

"So how will we-"

"Through the sewers" She replied before her sister completed the sentence.

" Yeah but when-"

"Now" She again replied immediately.

"What?" Her sister asked her to repeat it to make sure she didn't hear her wrong.

"We will go now. See mum and dad are (as always on our birthday) planning a small party for the four of us so when we go out they probably will send us to Mary but instead of going to Mary we will go somewhere else which will be the abandoned amusing park!"

"Are you sure this will work?"

"Of course! I also texted to Mary through mum's phone telling her that we won't go to her house today so she won't call asking where we are!"

"Wow you really worked on it didn't you?"

"I mean you wished we were able to go to one right? I had to do it" When y/n said that her sister smiled widely.

"I love you sister you are the best!"

"I love you too Rose, now, shall we go?" Y/n asked her sister, she nodded and went for the door, she stopped right on her tracks. Rose had also stopped moving and so did the rest of the world, time stopped the image got distorted and everything goes black. 

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