Chapter 9/ Want a cookie?

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/Noellas POV/

I feel like I got hit by a fucking truck and a bunch of gorillas stomped on me for eating their fucking banana.

I try to open my eyes but it feels like someone glued them shut leaving me unable to. I try to move my hands but I feel like I'm paralyzed.

After what felt like a fucking decade I was able to feel my hands, I feel a smaller hand playing with my fingers and I start hearing voices but can't make them out which is now making my head hurt like a bitch.

"Mommy... Not.... Ready" is all I can make out from the voices.

Holy shit my kids, but I can't to them and I can't comfort them.

I feel small hands patting my hair down which I assume is my princess.

After like 8 hours I was able to open my eyes and thank the fucking gods the light wasn't on because I already have a fucking headache and the heart monitor isn't helping.

"Fuck turn the fucking sound off it's giving me a headache" I groan placing my hand on my head but not without accidentally pulling the ducking iv out.

"Mommy are you awake?" I hear his angelic voice that immediate made me feel better?

"Sissy wake up, Mommy's awake!" He yelled but it was just above a whisper.

"Come here my loves" I say as I patted on the side next to my bed, they crawled on and started attacking me in kisses and hugs.

"Go get your uncles and tell them to come here" with that my princess gets off the bed and her steps start to faint as she runs down the hall.

I'm talking with Gab (Gabriel) and apologizing to him about not waking up in time for his birthday, and he started telling me about his day when the door busy open with my brothers, father, friends, and Sorrel whatever he is.

I didn't have time talk when I was tackled into a hug thinking it was one of their uncles I hug them back but when I look up it's Sorrel which causes a slight blush to make it's way to my cheeks.

Does he still like me even though he knows I have kids, is this just pity, is he going to judge me, what if- I couldn't even finish my overthinking before I was interrupted by my sperm donor.

"We know about your abuse" he says looking down, what happen to hey, how are you, I missed you. Like no he just brings up the abuse.

"Okay, do you want a cookie?" I say with my eyebrow raised getting slightly annoyed how I still care about even though it seems he doesn't care for me.

"Can you tell us about it? He asked, I looked to him like he was stupid because he sounded stupid as fuck.

cAn YoU TeLl mE abOuT it, like bitch no I can and will not.

"Why would I tell you about it, ooo you know about my injuries oh fucking well." I sit up before I continue "Don't act like you ducking care I saved your precious little princess, okay I tried to get rid of the mistake like you wanted so don't act like you care. I'm not telling you shiz because you don't deserve to know shiz all you do is demand rules on me but once did you ask me if I was okay, not once did you apologize, and not once did you sit and think about how I feel about this. You don't get to play the father role now because your 13 years ducking late to do that." I finish my rant avoiding cuss words because my kids are inside the room and I want to avoid that.

"I'm sorry" he says looking down, bitch can't even look me in my eyes and he's sorry. I scoff and look away "Of course you only apologize when told to do so, just like a kid being force to apologize when he doesn't mean it." He looked up and when he looked in my eyes I knew it was genuine because he eyes are swirling with many emotions the main one being regret.

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