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Jendeukie [9:30pm]: Will you please come get me

Sooyah [9:30pm]:

Jendeukie [9:31pm]: What?!?!?!? Why not?

Sooyah [9:31pm]: because you didn't say please

Jendeukie [9:32pm]: yes, I did...

Sooyah [9:32pm]: oh...well still no... I'm having sex right now

Jendeukie [9:32pm]: Wait seriously? You're texting me while having sex?

Sooyah [9:34pm]: uh yeah, I can multitask...and be quiet. Unlike some people

-__- ß that's me glaring at you...encase you didn't catch that. Where is Lisa?

Jendeukie [9:34pm]: you are not having sex, come pick me up. It's a long story.

Jendeukie [9:37pm]: Jisoo.

Jendeukie [9:40pm]: Jisoo!

Jendeukie [9:45pm]: Goddammit, Jisoo!

Sooyah [9:50pm]: jfc where are you?

Jendeukie [9:50pm]: The Club

Sooyah [9:51pm]: I'm on my're getting me Burger King!


Chichu [9:35pm]: two things, why is YOUR girlfriend texting me to pick her up and why aren't you with her?

Lisa text Jisoo back, telling her exactly everything that had occurred. Writing it out she began to see what she did wrong. She could definitely see where Jennie was coming from. Before she had been too angry and hurt to understand what Jennie was trying to make her see.

Chichu [9:50pm]: you're an idiot...she's at the club. Go get your girl!...oh and on your way home you should stop at Burger King and get her some food. I hear she likes a number 1 with cheese, no pickles and a rootbeer.

Lisa [9:50pm]: okay on my way...I don't understand how you don't like pickles.

Chichu [9:51pm]: they are cucumbers soaked in evil!


Jennie was sitting on a couch in the back of the dark club waiting for Jisoo's "I'm here!" text. The whole night had been horrible. Mino couldn't keep his hands to himself and all she could think about was Lisa. Lisa had been an idiot but Jennie should have handled things differently. She should have been more mature about things and talked to Lisa rather than try to make Lisa jealous. All she wanted to do was go home and hug Lisa. She didn't know if Lisa would be home though. She hadn't text Jennie the whole night. Jennie knew Lisa was pissed but she thought that Lisa would have at least checked up on her. Jennie was startled out of her self-pity by a sexy, sultry voice next to her. Jennie could feel Lisa's breath on the outer shell of her ear.

"Waiting for someone?" Lisa said as she moved Jennie's hair to the side and kissed her neck.

"Yeah, my sexy girlfriend." Jennie purred as she tilted her head to the side and closed her eyes.

"Bet she's not as sexy as you. She's probably a complete idiot too. Especially, if you're dressed like that and she's not here with you." Lisa said against Jennie's skin. "I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry, too, baby." Jennie said as she reached behind her, grabbing the back of Lisa's head, and bringing their lips together.

The sweet kiss turned heated as Lisa rubbed down Jennie's chest and into the top of her dress, cupping her breast and teasing her nipple. Jennie didn't care if anyone could see; she actually liked idea of being caught. Jennie whined when Lisa broke the kiss.

Making Things Physical (SHORT STORY) G!PWhere stories live. Discover now