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"No! No! No! No!" They heard Jisoo say as she banged loudly on their room door, "It's 3:30 in the goddamn morning on a Tuesday! I have a fucking midterm in like 5 hours! We already know that she has a big dick and that she fucks you so good with it! So! Shut. The. Fuck. Up. And. Go. To. Fucking. Sleep!" She accented each word with a rather loud knock.

Lisa had stopped mid stroke when the assault on their door began. Lisa's face was buried in the crook of Jennie's neck as they both laughed. They thought they were being quiet...well more quiet than they normally were. Apparently, they had been wrong.

They could hear Jisoo stomp back to her room yelling, "Who the fuck has sex on a Tuesday?!"

The sound of Jisoo slamming her door only made them laugh harder. They had gotten together their junior year when they lived in the same dorm room and here they were; living together in an apartment that they shared with Jisoo and Chaeng and halfway through their senior year. Jennie and Lisa couldn't have been happier. Jisoo could have but granted it was 3:30 in the morning.


"Good morning, sunshine." Jennie said as a very disheveled Jisoo and Chaeng entered the kitchen.

Both girls glared at the way too chipper for 7am brunette girl that stood before them looking way too refreshed for someone that had been up most of the night getting fucked.

"You're making us breakfast. I mean, like a legit breakfast. None of this eggs and toast. We want pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and biscuits." Jisoo grumbled as she sat on the stool next to Chaeng at the island.

"And French toast!" Chaeng added.

"Ooooh yeah, definitely French toast!"

Jennie grinned as she turned around to pour them each a cup of coffee that she had just brewed. She set it down in front of them and received a slight grunt of approval from them.

"Yeah, that's not happening but here you go! Breakfast in a cup!" Jennie said, putting emphasis on the "P", as she walked back to her room to grab her clothes to shower.

Chaeng picked up and then looked into the steaming cup, "She didn't even put sugar or cream in it." She whined.

Both girls had dark circles under their eyes as if they hadn't slept for days. Which, in reality, because of Jennie and Lisa, they really hadn't. They were exhausted and hoping that they could get their brains to wake up before their midterms started.

"You know what we have to do, right?" Jisoo said as she looked straight ahead.

"Yep." Chaeng said, also looking straight ahead.

They both took a deep breath before saying, at the same time, "Talk to them." "Kill them."

"Wait, what?" Chaeng said as her head snapped to look and Jisoo.

"What, what?...What?" Jisoo looked at Chaeng wide eyed before finding the contents of her own coffee cup extremely interesting.

"What's happening right now?" Chaeng was not awake enough for Jisoo's crazy shit.

"Nothing, you're being weird. Drink your breakfast."

Both girls held the coffee cup in both of their hands, elbows on the counter, coffee cup level with their mouth, staring ahead. They exhaled, paused a moment, as if contemplating life, then took a drink. Their actions were mirror image.

Neither one of them had heard Jennie come out of her room to walk to the bathroom. Jennie almost was unable to contain her laughter at the two girls.

Making Things Physical (SHORT STORY) G!PWhere stories live. Discover now