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Ben and Miranda found themselves after practice at the Scotiabank Arena leisurely walking around Canada. It was raining and Ben held the umbrella over them.

"I was in the band, I had coke bottle glasses and a terrible short cut." Miranda laughed, but was still serious.

"You coke bottle glasses?" Ben laughed.

"Yes thick as hell , like head lights." She laughed.

"Okay see me unlike yourself. I was popular in high-school. I was friends with the jocks, the nerds, everyone." Ben laughed at Miranda's face.

"You weren't a jock yourself?" Miranda asked curiously looking over at him.

"No I never did titles. Although I was athletic and ran track I was also very smart. I graduated top 10 of my class." He informed smiling.

"Mmmm you did good. I was valedictorian though." Miranda smiled.

"Wow really?" Ben asked looking her over.

"Yep and the salutatorian in college."


"Almost valedictorian, but the girl had the opportunity to do an extra-credit assignment in her last class." Miranda stated rolling her eyes. Ben could tell she was still pissed about that.

"Let's stop there." Miranda pointed to the food truck.

"What do you know about Mediterranean food?" Ben asked raising an eyebrow.

"I know about Mediterranean food. I want some--

"Gozleme." They both said simultaneously then laughed.

"Can I get two orders of Gozleme and two sweet teas please."

"Ben add sticky chicken." Miranda pleaded standing on the side of him. Ben face scrunched up but he repeated what she said.

"Sorry and a order of sticky chicken." He mused.

The two waited for their order while Miranda laid her head on his shoulder.

Receiving their food. They walked the short distance to where he parked the car. Ben opened her door and she smiled saying thank you before she got in.

After putting on hand sanitizer Ben watched Miranda open her bag of food and it look like teriyaki chicken from a Chinese store.

"Miranda that doesn't even look like real meat. Do you know if it's chicken for real?"

"Ben, it tastes just like teriyaki chicken." Miranda laughed biting a piece off the stick.

"Yeah, but is it real chicken?" He countered.

"Who knows. But what I do know is that it is cooked thoroughly and it taste good."

"Try some." Miranda offered.

"No thank you." Ben shook his head.

"Ben just try some. " Miranda pleaded shifting in her seat leaning over to him.

Ben looked at her now that her breast were on display.

Trying to keep his eyes focus. She broke a piece off holding it out to him.  Ben leaned forward and swiped his tongue across her finger causing tingles to shoot through her stomach.

Ben grabbed her wrist and brought her hand close and received the food licking her fingers again.

"Ben." Miranda whined suppressing her moan.

"What?" Ben asked smugly.

"You know what you did." She responded rolling her eyes.

"I did nothing." He laughed.

"Open the Gozleme and let me have a piece." Miranda insisted.

Ben broke a piece off and handed to her. Grabbing his wrist Miranda bought his fingers to her mouth licking around them before taking the bread.

"Mmmhm. Taste good." She moaned lightly.

"You don't play fair." He groaned.

"And neither do you."

"What are you doing for the rest of the day." Ben asked driving them back home.

"I was supposed to take my son to the park, but the weather is bad so I'm not sure yet. "

"Why don't we take him to Funville playground and Cafe in downtown Seattle. Its a huge jungle theme indoor playground, toddler playground, rope course, bumper cars, sports inflatable, and arcade.

"How do you know about it?"

"Miranda I'm a professional ball player. I know spots for kids."

"I think that's a great idea."

"Can I come only if you are comfortable with me meeting your son. I don't want to intrude." Ben asked said staring at her.

"Of course you can meet him. You already offered him a room at your house while I'm working." She teased.

"Yeah, but this is different. This is an outing."

"I would love for you to come Benjamin Warren and thank you for the idea." Miranda smiled leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"I am going to call my ex and tell him to have him ready in an hour." She smiled.

"Okay.  Good I'm going to go home and take a shower. Do you want to rent it out or are we just going?" He asked.

"No you don't have to, people are fine. I think he will have a better time with other children in the building."

"I was just asking." He laughed.

The two got home took showers and met back up at the front door.

"Which car?" Ben asked and Miranda smiled happily looking back at him.

"I get to pick"


"Mercedes Benz G class." She smiled grabbing the keys. "I'm driving too. Can you get Tucks seat out my car?" She asked.

"Yeah." Ben agreed running to her car.

"Don't fall in this rain Benjamin." She shouted getting in his car.

Ben put the seat in the back and strapped it in.

"Thank you for doing that."

"No problem. Didn't want you to get your silk wrap wet."

"What a gentleman." She giggled starting the car.

Miranda pulled into Tuckers driveway and Ben got out opening her door.

Miranda rung the door bell and waited.

"Mommy." Tuck shouted running to her.

"Hi sweetie." She smiled squatting to hug him. "You ready to go." Miranda asked.

"Yes." He nodded.

"Thanks Tucker. I will drop him back off in a few hours." Miranda informed standing back up.

"You dating ball players now?" Tucker questioned with an attitude.

"I don't think that's any of your business." Miranda said rolling her eyes grabbing Tuck's hand and walking away.

"Tuck. I want you to meet someone." "This is mommy's friend, Ben."

"Hi Tuck." Ben said smiling.

"Hi." Tuck said shyly.

Ben opened up the door so Miranda could put him in the car seat. After she locked him in, she got into the car and Ben closed her door.

"Tuck are you hungry? Do you want pizza or chicken fingers?" Miranda asked.

"Chicken nuggets." Tuck exclaimed and Ben and Miranda laughed at his enthusiasm.

"Chicken nuggets are the smaller version of chicken fingers." Miranda clarified and Tuck scrunched his nose up thinking about it.

"He looks just like you." Ben commented.

"You thinks so? Everyone says he looks like his father and I see it too."

"I couldn't really see him from the doorway, but I think he looks like you especially his mannerism."

"You know my mannerisms?" Miranda questioned.

"I've spent enough time with you to pick up on a few." Ben laughed.

"Like what?" Miranda asked batting her eyelashes.

"The way your lips tuck in and you bite it softly when you're thinking or when you're excited you smiled widely and your eyes widened too because it's written all over your face. Also When you're mad your eyebrows knit together and you give a stern glare.  When you like something your brown eyes turn a tad bit darker. So instead of your normal milk chocolate eyes they are dark chocolate."

"Wow." Miranda stated almost lustfully.

When they pulled up at FunVille it wasn't a lot of people there which she was glad.

Ben bought the fun package much to Miranda's dismay because who was going to be doing all of those things with her son. They got the wristbands on their hands and they went through the rope. Miranda smiled once again looking at Tuck. His face lit up as he pointed to the bumper cars and slides. Miranda held his hand as they walked to a table and sat down.

"What do you want to eat?" Ben asked looking at the menu.

"I want hot wings and fries" Miranda stated looking at the choices  "and Tuck his "chicken nuggets" and fries with a fruit punch.

"What about you?"

"I think I'll get a personal pizza with pepperoni and sausages."

The waitress eventually came and Miranda looked her up and down. Her attire was definitely inappropriate to work at a children's place. Her shirt was entirely too low.

"Good evening my name is Cassidy, how are you all doing today? "

"We are doing great you?" Ben said flashing his perfect smile.

Miranda noticed the woman staring for a moment. She wish she would just go on and ask what she wanted to ask.

"Um can I start you off with something to drink." She blushed staring once again.

"Yes we will have--" Ben started.

"I got it." Miranda interrupted and the woman swallowed before nodding. " We are ready to order our food as well as the drinks. We will have a water for me, Gatorade for him and a child's fruit punch.  10 bone in hot wings and fries, 10 inch personal pizza with pepperoni and sausages and chicken tenders with fries." She ordered handing her the menus.

Cassidy wrote everything down and told them she would be back with the drinks.

After coming back with their drinks she smiled lightly.

"I didn't want to fan girl--"

"Then don't." Miranda said rolling her eyes. Ben reached across and put his hand on her thigh causing her to stiffen.

"can I please have your autograph?"

"Of course, I don't uh have any paper or anything though." Ben stated looking around.

"You can write it on my arm." She smiled handing him a pen.

"Oh absolutely not. You can go find paper or use a napkin." Miranda protested fuming.

Ben looked at Miranda and he wanted to laugh but he refrained. He picked up a napkin and wrote a short message before his signature handing it to the woman flashing his sweet smile.

"What did you write?" Miranda asked when she walked away.


"I was just curious." Miranda stated simply.

"I wrote--"

"Mommy when can I go play?" Tuck interrupted in anticipation.

"Say excuse me first because mommy and Ben were talking." Miranda corrected

"Excuse me." Tuck said softly.

"Okay... we can go and when the food comes back we will break. "

Ben knew she didn't want to go play by the look on her face.

"I'll go and play Miranda." He stated.

"You sure?" She asked softly.

"Of course. Hey Tuck Can I come?" Ben asked and Tuck nodded his head.

Miranda watched as they went over to the inflatable area with obstacles."

She sat and read a book on her phone. Occasionally looking up and watching them play.

As the food came to the table. Cassidy smiled lightly.

"I'm sorry if I uh disrespected or bothered you earlier asking your husband for an autograph I didn't mean to."

Miranda look the woman over once again she no more than 25 or 26 at most. She couldn't have been a fan if she didn't know that he was single. She was honestly waiting on Miranda to say no that’s not her husband or boyfriend, but she wasn't going to give her the satisfaction.

She knew she just wanted his number.

"No it's fine. It happens all the time." Miranda said eyeing her fiercely.

"Okay I guess I will leave you to it and check on you guys later." Cassidy said as Ben and Tuck walked back over.

Tuck put candy on the table. "Where did you get candy from?" Miranda asked.

"You get a prize for completing the course." Ben answered smiling.

They ate their food and talked. Ben asked Tuck questions. She could tell that Tuck grew to Ben quickly.

"I don't see how woman do it." Miranda commented standing by Ben while Tuck was in the kids bumper cars.

"Do what?" Ben asked inquisitively.

"Date or marry Ball players. This is ridiculous." Miranda commented looking around at the woman staring.

"They marry for love and others for the fame/ money."

"I guess you are right, but it's a bit much."

"You're still bothered about the waitress?" Ben asked curiously.

"I was not bothered." She stated crossing her arms.

"You were. You snapped at her."

"I just found it extremely inappropriate to sign her skin. If she wanted and autograph she should have came prepared." Miranda said sheepishly.

"Woman do it a lot. And she was being very modest with her arm if you can imagine."

"I don't even want to imagine." She huffed.

After they finished and let Tuck do everything in the playground. They grabbed their things and walked to the car and Miranda scrapped him in. Ben pulled up in Tuckers drive way and cut the lights off. Miranda got out and took Tuck out of the car seat.

"Say thank you to Ben." Miranda encouraged.

"Thank you Ben." Tuck beamed.

"You welcome. See you later Buddy."

"Alright I will be right back." Miranda said and Ben nodded his head. He watched as they walked inside. 

Miranda came back and Ben drove them home.

"Thank you for coming and taking us. I had fun and Tuck did too."

"It's no problem at all. I like hanging out with you and Tuck. I would love to do it again." Ben said reaching over and rubbing her hand.

"That can be arranged." Miranda said before yawning.

They both walked into the house and walked upstairs.

"Good night Dr. Warren." Miranda said softly going into her room and he responded Good night as well.

An hour later Miranda looked at the time and groaned it was 10:45 pm. She hasn't operated in a month. Sliding out of bed she threw some pants on and a shirt. She grab her crocs from the closet along with her purse, phone, and keys. She walked to her door and opened it slightly looking around. She looked at Ben's room before tip toeing across the hardwood floors.

"Where you going?" Ben asked as Miranda crept down the stairs.

Miranda jumped and looked back at him.

"To the hospital I need to cut." Miranda pouted.

Ben laughed looking at her. She looked like she was sneaking out. Her shoes were in her hand while she walked barefoot.

"Let me put some clothes on and I will come with you."

Miranda stared at his naked chest as he talked not really listening to what he was saying.

"Mm-hm." Miranda nodded.

"Okay cool, give me a few minutes."

"A few minutes for what?" Miranda asked curiously finally looking at him.

"You didn't hear anything I said did you?" He smirked.

"Not really." She uttered.

"I said. I was coming with you."

"Oh okay. I'll make us coffee while you get ready." Miranda warbled walking off to the kitchen.

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