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Miranda woke up and rolled over looking for Ben. She turned towards the bathroom, but she didn't hear any water running.

Glancing at his nightstand Miranda smiled seeing a tray with fruit ,waffles and a glass of orange juice. She picked up the note and read Ben's cursive handwriting. " Be back soon, Enjoy!."

"Enjoy." Miranda smiled falling back on the bed blushing thinking about last night and this morning.

Damn it was good she thought to herself. Miranda couldn't help but to laugh and dance excitedly, she loved this man and she knew it.

Miranda ate her food and got up, going into his bathroom. She washed her face and brushed her teeth before grabbing one of Ben shirts.

Sliding it over her naked body. The shirt stopped at her thigh. She picked up the tray and walked downstairs.

Walking past the door Miranda heard a noise. Figuring it was Ben she hurried to the door, so she could open it. Ready to pull him back upstairs.

"Hey." Miranda eyes widened looking at Crystal with a brown dress on and shades.

"Hi." She smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Miranda asked confused.

"I want to talk to Ben." Crystal responded stepping forward. "Come on. Let me in."

Miranda stepped back and let her into the house.

"Ben's not here." She informed her.

"Oh I'll wait for him." She shrugged.  "I missed you." Crystal smiled before hugging Miranda tightly. Who truthfully didn't feel the same.

"You have a glow today." Crystal commented looking Miranda up and down. " is that-- she started pointing to Ben's shirt.

Miranda's head shot up when the door open. Ben walked in with a black sweatshirt on and grey sweat pants.

His eyes widened seeing Crystal standing there.

"Hey baby." Crystal greeted softly and Miranda cut her eyes to Ben.

Crystal stood standing and looked over to Miranda as Ben and her stared at one another.

"Um can we have some privacy?" She asked Miranda.

"Mmph Pri-va-cy." Miranda drew out.

"Miranda." Ben pleaded. He watched as she rolled her eyes and walked away.

"I know you are probably wondering what I'm doing here." Crystal stated.

"Yeah you shouldn't have come by unannounced."

"But please Ben what I have to say is long overdue. I am so sorry I left you that note."

Miranda tiptoed to the nearest wall by the stairs and stood listening to their conversation.

"But I didn't know what to do. I was so confused. My mom died when I was 7 and my dad left the day after my 9th birthday. Somehow I knew, I would never see him again. And I never did.

I was terrified, terrified of loving someone completely, only to watch them walk out of my life one day.

So, I run."

"I wouldn't have left you Crystal." Ben said seriously.

Miranda clicked her teeth and rolled her eyes. Blowing out a breath she walked upstairs.

"I know what it feels like for someone to leave."

"Yeah, but I know me. I would have left you way before that ever happened. That's why I went and got help. Ben, if there is an ounce of something you still feel for me." Crystal explained while her voice was breaking.

"Please give us a chance." She pleaded. " I love you."

Ben stood with a distant look on his face taking in what she said.

"Baby, we're meant to be together." Crystal finished rubbing his face sweetly.

"I think you should go." Ben said firmly looking into her eyes.

Crystal nodded as her eyes watered.

"I need time to think." He added.

"Okay. Umm Tell Miranda I said Goodbye okay."

Ben blew out a breath and walked slowly up the stairs. He walked into Miranda's room and saw her now fully dressed throwing clothes in her suitcase.

"Where are you going?" Ben asked confused.

"Home." Miranda said sternly.

"Miranda, why are you leaving?"

"You tell me why I'm leaving." She responded fuming grabbing more clothes.

"Four months ago. This is the woman I planned to spend the rest of my life with." Ben explained.

"And I understand that, but where does that leave me in this situation?

"Miranda I just was hearing her out. She owes me that and I owe her that."

"Hearing her out so you can be with her right?"

Ben took a long pause and Miranda scuffed, her eyes becoming misty. "I guess I got my answer."

"Miranda wait... you're special to me and I wan--" Ben started urgently as she grabbed her things walking down the stairs.

"That's all I will ever be and it's not enough for me." Miranda responded cutting him off.

"Miranda would you just listen to me." Ben said standing at the top of the stairs. He groaned in frustration when she opened and slammed his door walking out.

Miranda couldn't help, but to let her tears fall. As she backed out of his driveway.

Getting home she sighed heavily. She hadn't been home in months. She quietly began to clean up her house. Picking up her phone she called Richard.

"Hey Bailey."

"Webber." Miranda sung into the phone.

"We miss you around here, I miss you." He told her.

"You are nothing without me." She laughed.

"Yep , you have people thinking my work wife divorced me."

"Oh well let's put these rumors to rest. I want to be back on the schedule."

"Already done. I have a cholecystectomy tomorrow at 10, do you want to scrub in?"

"Your a God sent." She praised.

"See you tomorrow." Richard said before hanging up.

Tomorrow slowly came and Miranda felt good to be back in her scrubs and white coat. and to do what she was born to do.

She was tired of all these people congratulating her on the work she did with Ben. She was honestly tired of talking about him period. Every news channel, magazine articles and radio station was mentioning him.

Miranda did paperwork before going to sit in the attending’s lounge. She checked emails and was shocked to see several emails from different teams all over the U.S asking if she would work with their players or even just see them as patients.

She knew she would have to respond to some and let them know that she wasn't interested in a permanent position, but once her new facility was up and running she would work with them.

"Hey." Callie smiled greeting her.

"Hey." Miranda said softly looking at her phone.

"Balance is restored now that your back." Callie laughed and Miranda chuckled.

Callie grabbed the remote and cut the tv on. Hearing Ben's name Miranda reached for the remote and cut the tv back off.

"Heyyy. I was watching that." Callie whined.

"So." She responded shrugging her shoulders.

"What is with you?" Torres asked crossing her arms

"Nothing." Miranda retorted clearly bothered.

"Tell me Bailey?" She encouraged.

"Its nothing." She stated firmly.

"Obviously it's not. What's going on between you in Ben?"

"I don’t want to talk about it or him, so leave it alone.

"You fell in love with him." Callie gasped.

Miranda looked up wearily and nodded her head slowly.

"I fell in love with him and he didn't pick me." Miranda said frustrated.

"He didn't pick you?" She questioned

"No, he wants to be with Crystal. We had sex again and afterwards I told him how I felt... at least I started to, but he cut me off and said him too. I figured he was telling me he felt the same way, but I guess I was wrong." Miranda sighed.

"Did he tell you, he wanted to be with Crystal?"

"No , but he stuttered and paused when I asked and I don't want to be an after thought or the next option. I want him to be with me because he loves me."

" how did yall even get on the conversation of Crystal after sex?

"No it wasn't right after. We had sex 3 times from night to morning. When I woke up he was gone, but he left me breakfast and a note saying he would be back soon. Taking the tray down stairs, I heard a noise at the door. I opened it and it was Crystal. She--

"Wait what were you wearing?" She asked cutting in.

"His shirt and nothing else." Miranda blushed and Callie laughed. "But anyway she came in looking for him and she commented on the glow I had.

"Damn." She commented

"I know it was awkward." She said with a slight smirk.

"Fast-forward, he comes home, they start talking and she's giving him some bull-shit sob story and he's telling her that he wouldn't have left her."

"Miranda maybe he just needed closure, you don't know if he --

"No. Closure for what?"

"Closure from the woman he proposed to and planned to spend forever with that just up and left. With a note at that." Callie answered honestly.

"Callie it's just the principle of it." Miranda responded grabbing her things.

"Where are you going?".

"I'm leaving. I need a drink."

"I second that." Callie said standing quickly. "I'll buy."

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