03: At the Dining Hall

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You are walking towards the dining hall and your 3 pokemons Feraligatr and their son Totodile follows you. You carry Totodile in your arms like a teddy bear. 

Mammon: OI! HUMAN! can't you leave your pokemon in their houses for once?!

You: I can but they like to guard me so much so I just let them.

Mammon: W-whatever! Now come for dinner!

You: Oh my, You guys are too huge to get through the door... why don't you go back for now? I will ask Beautifly to guard me.

Your pokemons went back into your poke balls and then Beautifly comes out and flys around you in excitement 

Your pokemons went back into your poke balls and then Beautifly comes out and flys around you in excitement 

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You: *laughs* That tickles...

You walked in and saw all the demon brothers waiting for you.

You: ano... I apologize for being late...

Lucifer: You can take your time since you have to take care of those... Pokemons!

You: *chuckles* You remembered...

Your sudden giggles took them back and they could feel the heat rising to the face.

You went to the dining table and sat down as Beautifly flys around you in excitement. 

Asmo: Is that also yours?

You: Ah! yes, She is also my pokemon. Isn't she adorable but before that...

you closed your eyes and raised your hand and started to chant something. 

Satan: what is that

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Satan: what is that...


Mammon: W-well i-it's ok i-i guess or w-whatever!

Levi: Mammon, Be honest for once will you? When will you stop being a tsundere?

Mammon: O-oi! I ain't f-flustered ok! O-OI! HUMAN D-DON'T GET ANY W-WRONG IDEA!

You: hmm~ Yes, of course, ~*looks at your pokemon* Time for food darling~

Your Beautifly flew towards it and started drinking the magical flower's nectar. 

The Pokémon Witch (Fanfic of MHA x Obey Me) -Paused-Where stories live. Discover now