Chapter Sixteen:Shinto Gods and Sensei

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Ramon's Pov
Yesterday we managed to find and save Yasaka while also wiping out the Hero Faction.After we got back to the Royal Palace and Azazel explained everything,Yasaka whole heartedly agreed to join are alliance.She even said she would call Amaterasu to ask if the Shinto Gods would join it as well.Which made everyone smile and me start shitting myself at the mention of her.Right now everyone's in a meeting room,Sirzechs,Ajuka,Falbium,Michael,and Odin are all here to meet the Shinto Goddess of The Sun.I'm currently sitting in the corner with Kunou on my lap and the girls and Rizer beside me.They all seem confused by my genuine fear,Rikuo,Lord Nurarihyon,Yura,and everyone that was at the battle is also here and their just looking at me with looks of 'We'll attend you funeral'.
Rizer:Ramon(I look at him)why do you seem so scared?
Me:................(Looks down)*Gulp*
Me:........*Sigh*W-Well um......Amaterasu was my teacher.(Everyone that didn't know is surprised)She taught me how better use my fire.
Akeno:But then why are scared?
Me:Well um......
[The door suddenly flings open and I freeze in fear]
???????:He's scared because of how he left.
[We all look and I turn slightly pale]

[She looks at me with a glare and I move down making myself seem smaller,surprising those that don't know are history]Me:(Scared)S-Sensei I'm glad

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[She looks at me with a glare and I move down making myself seem smaller,surprising those that don't know are history]
Me:(Scared)S-Sensei I'm glad...y-your do-doing w-well.....
Amaterasu:(Angry)Indeed I am but Ramon(I look at her)we will be having a long Talk after this meeting.
[I turn completely pale even my burns lose some color,everyone who doesn't know seems shocked while those that do just seem like their praying for me]
Kunou:(Pouting)Don't be so mean to Ramon,he saved Momma.
Amaterasu:(Gentle Smile)I know Kunou and that's why I'm not dragging him out of the room to punish him.(I turn icy pale at the word punishment)Now Susanoo get in here. 
[He walks inside the room]

Susanoo:I'll pray for you Ramon

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Susanoo:I'll pray for you Ramon.
[I nod and they sit down]
Amaterasu:So can someone please fill us in on what's happened?
Azazel:I will...
[They nod and he explains everything from the information we have on the Khaos Brigade including what it's goal is and who their Leaders are to what happened with Yasaka.The girls and Rizer are shocked when they hear the part about me getting stabbed by the True Longinus and even more so when they hear I broke it.Every now and then Amaterasu would glance questionable at me which would make me more scared and more scared.After Azazel finishes explaining the battle they seem to understand]
Yasaka:I called you here to see if you were willing to join the alliance to fight against this foe Amaterasu.
Amaterasu:Hmm..........Ramon(I look at her and she stands up and points at the spot in front of her.I immediately get up and walk over to the spot,she being a bit taller than me)I'm going to ask three questions and you will answer them truthfully understood.
Me:(Scared)Yes Sensei.
[Everyone either looks at us with shock and curiousity,at me with pity,or in Susanoo's case amusement]
Amaterasu:1st)What do think this 'Khaos Brigade' danger ranking is?
Me:I would say it's more than Yamata-no-Orochi by a far exceeding margin and is a threat to be taking very seriously.
Amaterasu:(Nods)2nd)If did you truly break the True Longinus?
Me:....Ow yeah I did.
Amaterasu:Glad to see you've at least continued your training after you left.(I gulp and nod)Now 3rd)With all of the information we have how would you rank the Leaders of the Khaos Brigade in terms of Danger?
Me:.................Well the First would easily be Vokul considering he is the Heavenly Chaos Dragon and on par with Ddraig and Albion.Then would be the Razevan Lucifer(Vali clicks her tongue hearing his name)he's a Ultimate-Class Devil after all,The next would probably be Malthur sense he's not only a powerful Demigod,but the son of  Yama and is a necromancer of tremendous skill.The last two Pseudo-Geto and the one calling herself Pandora,I would put on par with each other.However if I had to put one above the other I would say Pandora's the bigger threat out of sheer fact we don't know he powers,nor even her race,or goal.As for Suguru-Geto he's incredible smart and has powerful servants serving him but he's still human and his own power is rather low.
Amaterasu:I see..........well then I agree to join this Alliance(We all smile)on the condition that you return as my student Ramon.(I turn Icy white and everyone's surprised)Well?
Me:Deal(They look at me)even if it means going thru that hell again,if we can get you on and the others on are side then I'm fine with it.
[She looks at me and then gives a amused smile,before sitting back down]
Amaterasu:Well then let's talk about are next actions shall we.
[They nod and I go back to the girls contemplating my fate,and the genuine hell I just thru myself into]

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