A Few Months Later

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Your POV 

Standing in front of the various rat cages, watching the white ones try and claw through the glass cages. Tilting my head a little before bending down a bit before tapping my nail against the glass gently. Smiling a little as they calmed down, rubbing their paws against their face. Standing up straight after a second, putting my hands into my lab coat pockets. Hearing the door open to the morgue, hearing the whistling of Ravi. 

Stepping out of the small supply room and leaning on the doorway. Crossing my arms for a moment before I caught his attention. Watching his smile beam at me for a moment, stepping towards him for a moment as he put his bag in his office before turning to me. 

"Anything from Liv yet?" 

Shaking my head while leaning on his desk as he sat down. Turning his computer on before leaning back in his chair. 

"No, I figured she would have been around here already." 

"She should be here soon. You know we could always carpool together to work. Don't need to come in all by your lonesome." 

Sighing gently before nodding I smiled at him. "We've been over this Ravi, I get here really early and I stay fairly late. Don't want to have to put you on one of the slabs so you can nap." 

"Why would I nap on the slab? I have a perfectly fine couch right there." he said, waving his hand at the couch. 

"Oh please, tell me how well all of your 6 foot 4-ness is going to fit on that tiny couch." 

"I didn't say I would like it, but with everything going on lately, I'd feel better knowing-" 

His voice changed to a small mutter as he spoke for a moment. Raising a brow and leaning over as I tried to catch his deep brown eyes with mine. 

"What was that, Chakrabarti?" 

He looked at me and hummed as he rose his brows in surprise.

"What was what?"

"You muttered something," 

"What? No, I didn't"

Opening my mouth to try and get it out of him, only for Liv to walk into the morgue, making her presence known. Ravi jumped up quickly and went to meet her by the counter. Following my taller boss out to the main floor of the morgue, smiling as I saw Liv while stepping around him. 

"Morning, guys." Pausing as she looked between us for a moment before her smile fell. "Everything all right?" 

Ravi went to speak before all of our phones went off one by one. Looking at them we sighed gently. 

"We have a cold one." 

After getting back to the morgue with the dearly departed, Ravi and I moved the body from the gurney to the cold stainless steel slab that would be its new bed while the autopsy was performed. Ravi went to his office to work on paperwork and budgeting. Liv was cleaning the other slab that was used, so that left me with the autopsy. Putting my headphones in and starting my beloved Metallica playlist. 

Grabbing the bone saw, after making a line across the forehead of the deceased, turning on the bone saw after putting the marker down and putting it to the skin, and cutting the top of the cranium off of the rest of the skull. Putting it onto the tray next to me before scooping the brain out of the now empty cavity. Putting it onto the scale and noting the weight. 

Moving towards the rest of the body, folding the sheet down before grabbing my scalpel. Cutting the familiar Y shape into the body of the victim on the table. Pushing the skin back once I was through the skin and the muscle of the chest. Grabbing the bone saw once more, and cutting the ribs so I could get into the chest cavity. Exposing the heart, lungs, pharynx, larynx, trachea, the top of the liver poking into the bottom of the chest cavity. 

Removing the various organs, noting their color, weight, and a few other things. Noticing the lungs looked a little bigger than what was average. Moving down to the feet of the victim, seeing that a few of his toenails were black and blue. Jumping a little after feeling someone put their hand on my lower back. Pulling the earbuds from my ears before looking over to see Ravi. His brown eyes squinted a little as he looked down at me. 

"What is it?"

Turning back towards the body as I moved away from him, he followed me after a second. 

"I wanted to talk to you about earlier. I shouldn't have ignored you when Liv came into work today. For that I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to hear what I said. It was cornier than corn on the cob." 

Putting my gloves into the biohazard bin and giving a sigh. I turned back to my tall boss while looking up at him. 

"Why didn't you just tell me what it was? I really doubt it was that bad." 

Watching him sigh for a moment before he shuffled on his feet a little. Crossing my arms while looking up at him, raising a brow while looking at him Sighing after a bit longer, I turned to walk towards the supply closet for a few things. Feeling a warm and gentle hand grab my wrist before being turned around and pulled back towards him. 

Stopping a few inches from him. Looking up at him for a moment before he looked at the door before back to me. 

"All I said was that I wouldn't be mad if I had to sleep on my tiny couch in my office, because I would know you'd be safe. I've had to fight Blaine for the cut Utopium that made a zombie Blaine brought over here, speed the process of zombification and he died on the floor. I would do whatever it took to protect you if it came down to it." 

(1009 words) 

I'll do my best to have this make sense, the only thing I could really think of doing was adding a time skip, especially after it being so long since I've done anything with the book, let alone watch the show. I probably won't be doing much for crime scene stuff, unless I pull it right from the show itself, but other than that, there probably won't be the crime side of the show. So this story is probably going to be more of the lovey joking side, maybe a bit of drama. I hope you stick around to see more, bear with me on this brain-eating journey. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2021 ⏰

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