Somebody's Chelsea

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Your POV 

After our little group dinner, Liv went home and Ravi looked at me before he grabbed my bag. I went to protest that I could carry it only for him to shake his head and cut me off. 

"Nonsense, come on." he said as he led me to his car and we both got in. 

"So, Liv left Major after she was  scratched at a yacht party?" I asked and he hummed gently as he nodded before pulling away from the diner. 

"That's what I heard anyway, after that she quit her job at the hospital and started working in the morgue. You know the rest." 

I nodded as I looked around before I yawned gently. He gave a small chuckle as he glanced over to me. 

"I'll make sure to show you to your room when we get to the house and you can sleep." he said and I nodded gently. 

"Sounds good to me, I need a long nap." I said and he shook his head as he smiled. 

~The Ravi Residence~ 

Once we got to the house that would now be my shared home. He threw my bag over his shoulder and went to have me follow him up the stairs only for a tall, blonde-haired guy step out into the living room. 

"Hey, Ravi! Who's that?" he said and Ravi looked over before he looked at me.

 "Major, meet (y/n). (y/n), major." he said and I smiled before I waved. 

"Are you a zombie too?" I asked and he looked surprised. 

"You know about those?" he asked and I nodded.

Ravi looked at him and smiled gently. 

"She already met Liv." he said and he nodded.

 "Uh huh, Listen Ravi, are you two?" he asked and Ravi's eyes widened. 

"No! She only started working at the morgue today, if you'll excuse us, I have to show her to her new room." he said as he grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs. 

It was rather odd, but it made me smile. I looked at the room as he let go of my hand and looked at me. 

"This will be your new home, what's mine is yours, just ask." he said as he put my bag on my new bed. 

"I hope we'll get along well in the future, but for now, I'll let you get some rest." he said before he walked out of the room and closed the door behind him. He walked down the hall silently after that as I was met with the new quiet room I could call my own. 

Ravi's POV 

I walked down the stairs and grabbed Major's arm. He looked at me after I stopped and rose a brow. 

"Dude what?" he asked and I shook my head.

 "Why did you say that? Now she probably thinks I like her" I said and he smirked as he stood there and looked at me. 

"Don't look at me like that" I said and he grinned more. 

"You do. You like her!" he said and I covered his mouth. 

"Keep your voice down." I whispered as he looked at me. 

"Admit it, Ravi Chakrabarti. You like her" he said and I growled. 

"What if I do? Does that really matter?" I asked and he crossed his arms. 

"Yes it does really matter, I want you to be happy. And it really looks to me, that she makes you happy," he said before I put my hands on my hips and sighed deeply. 

Walking over to my dining table, I kicked a chair out slightly before I sat down and put my hands in my hair. 

"I don't know, Lilywhite. I just met her today, maybe we should just put this on the back burner." I said and he shook his head before he leaned on the door. 

"If we leave it on the back burner, it'll overflow from the pan. Then you'll have a big mess. It's better to watch things simmer, rather than to forget about it entirely." he said before he walked up the stairs. 

I sighed as I leaned back, "Let things simmer huh?" I mumbled. 

"What the hell does that even mean?" I shook my head as I stood and pushed the chair in before I headed up to my room. Walking by (y/n)'s room I heard voices. I know I shouldn't have eavesdropped but I did. 

"Mom, I have a job, and a place to stay" I heard. 

There was a bit of silence before she gave a small giggle. A sound I could get used to hearing. 

"No, mom. I doubt that I'll be Somebody's Chelsea," she said and I rose a brow. 

I heard her sit on the bed as it squeaked in protest of the weight. 

"You remember the last time that happened right? It didn't end well. Don't tell me that he wasn't the one for me. We both could have sworn that he was." she said as I leaned on the wall.

 Was she with someone already? 

"Mom, it's late. I should get to bed, there's a long day ahead." she said before they said a quick goodbye and hung up. I heard her sigh deeply before the light at the bottom of her door clicked off. 

I stood to knock on the door only to bite my lip and let my fist fall to my side. It'll be best if I let her sleep, and if I got some sleep too. Ruffling my hair I went to my room and laid on my bed after the door clicked shut. Tomorrow I'll have to think of a way to get her on a date. That is if I'm as ambitious as I think I am 

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