Crime Scene

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Your POV

After the short drive with our bags we made it to the crime scene. We got out and went to meet a detective named Clive Babineaux. I was walking through the woods as they lead the way to the detective. He turned and smiled. He was an African American man with a leather jacket, blue t-shirt, black pants and black shoes. He had short cut hair and a wide smile.

"Hey guys, this is a bit of an odd one for you." he said. They nodded and looked at each other. "Hey, Clive." Liv started and he turned and looked at her. "Yeah?" he asked.

Liv smiled and stepped to the side a little. "This is (y/n). She's going to be working with Ravi and I in the morgue from now on." she said. Clive smiled and nodded before reaching his hand out. "Nice to meet you, (y/n). I'm Clive Babineaux." he said. I smiled and shook his hand. "(y/n) (l/n)." I said. We let go and he looked at the three of us and clapped once. "Alright the vic is this way." he said.

I looked at Ravi. His face was straight and the smile was gone. But his eyes on the other hand, told a different story. He looked jealous, almost at least. I turned my attention to Clive as he began to lead us to where the vic was. We ducked under the yellow police tape and we began to see a lot of blood splattered leaves.

I looked at Liv and Ravi and rose a brow before I saw the body. There was a man in his late twenties or early thirties that was tied to a tree. His face was badly beaten and there were scratches on his chest. His shirt was ripped and hung at his side. His pants were bloody and caked in mud. He was missing his right shoe. But the worst part was that there was a line at his lower abdomen, similar to how a doctor would cut open a woman for a c-section. Only his entrails were hanging from his body.

I made a cringe before shuddering. "Ouch." I said. Liv nodded and Ravi looked at me. "Ouch indeed. From how he's hanging it looks like they tried to hang him Blair Witch style." He said. I nodded and we began to get to work taking liver temp and bagging evidence to haul the vic to the morgue.

~At The Morgue~

I was given a lab coat that went to about my knees I smiled lightly as I sipped my coffee that I had gotten from the kitchen. I looked at the vic and was ready to get a bone saw to open the poor dude's head. But that was interuppted when Clive walked in. Liv looked over and smiled and I put the saw down. Ravi was in his office doing paperwork.

"Hey Liv, any visions yet?" he asked. Liv smiled lightly and looked down. "No not yet. But you know I can't work on an empty stomach." she said. Clive nodded and walked over to me. "We got an ID on the vic. His name is Thomas Sanderson. Late twenties. I'm going over to his Mother's to see if she can give any insight on who wanted to hurt Thomas." He said. We nodded and he left. I looked at Liv and rose a brow. "Visions huh? Are you a psychic?" I asked.

She walked over and walked me to a seat and went to get Ravi. They were talking about something and I was utterly confused. They looked at me and Ravi nodded. They came out and looked at me. I rose a brow as they were uncomfortable looking. "What are you two hiding?" I asked.

Ravi looked at Liv. "Well. I'm a zombie." Liv said. I looked at them and chuckled nervously. They kept a straight face. "Wait, you're serious?" I asked. Liv and Ravi nodded. "I'm for realz a zombie." Liv said. I stood and looked at her. "You mean to tell me that the whole pale face, white hair and dark make up is because you're a zombie and not just how you dress?" I asked. They nodded.

I looked to the vic. "Then do you eat his brains or something since he's already dead?" I asked. Liv nodded. "That's also how I get the visions." she said. I nodded and tried to wrap my brain around what I was told. "My co-worker is zombie." I said. "Cool."

They looked at me surprised. "Cool?" Ravi asked. I nodded. "I told you I wasn't much of a fan of the living. And a zombie is the undead so hey. Win-win." I said. They looked at each other and started to laugh and I joined in too. After we were done I smiled. "I'll get you the brain Liv." I said and turned on the saw.

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