When you give them the silent treatment

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Gets upset
Whines until you talk to him
Bro stop being mean and talk to him /lh
You give in eventually
He tells you to never do it again

Gets confused
He keeps asking for you to talk to him
You still ignore him
Pulls you in for a big hug
You talk about what's wrong immediately

Refuses to stop bothering you
Will annoy you for hours if need be
Smothers you in affection when you finally give in

Buries their head in your shoulder
Gently kisses your neck
You give in immediately

Pulls you into a hug
Doesn't let you go
Gently strokes your hair
Listens calmly as you tell him what's wrong

Gets upset
Gives you tons of snacks and makes you tea

Annoys you until you stop ignoring him
Let's you talk about what was bothering you

Pulls you into him and cuddles you
Let's you talk whenever you're ready to
Keeps holding you as you rant to him

Gives you your space
Comes back into your room after a few minutes
Hugs you while you talk to him

Sits next to you with his hand on your knee and waits
Is very patient
Endless cuddles

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