021 Bit Of A Rebel

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Katerina POV

So i managed to make a grow woman cry with a few simple memories.
Guess she wasn't say mentally prepared as she taught she was.

Yeah. How much did we show her exactly?

Only the first time i was taken to Hydra.
How we got there. How my so called father killed my mother.

Nothing much really.
Just a few sad memories.

These people are weird though. I've been her for the past 18 hours and nothing has happened yet...... besides Wanda having a mental breakdown.

They haven't laid a finger on me yet.
Maybe they're the good guys after all?
If they were the good guys why would they put us in a cell? Or question us like that?

I thought as i lay down on the bed they gave me and threw a ball in the air and catching it repeatedly.

"Hey kid." Nat walks towards my cell. I nod noticing her presence.

There's a weird silence for a few minutes.

"So.... what's your favourite colour?" She asks breaking the silence.

"Dark night sky blue and purple." I reply.
Why are we talking again?

"Nice choice. Mine is sun set orange and red." She replies.

"Food?" She questions.

"Pizza....or burgers.... not really picky." I say truthfully.

"Same....gemme a sec." She walks out.

Why are we talking to her? She's going to betray you.... don't trust her.

I know she will....... I'm probably going to die here might as well take a few chances at a potential normal life...oh wait....my normal life is and always was a cell....
Home sweet home.........

After a few minutes Nat comes back with a box of pizza in her hand.

She walks over to my cell and opens the door. I automatically hold my knees in my chest and sit in the corner of the bed.

"Relax." She puts her hands up. " I come to offer a peace offering...." She holds out the pizza box.

Girl it could be poison.  Yay a way to die faster.

"Mind if i sit and join you?" She asks

I point to the edge of the bed and she takes a seat. She puts the pizza box inbetween us on the bed. She opens it and the smell immediately gets to me. She takes a slice and starts to eat.

"Well i can't eat all myself... would you mind joining me?" She asks.

Girl if you dare-  i grab a piece of pizza and sit cross legged on the bed facing her as i start to eat.

"Why are you here?" I question her.

"Because....i want to eat with you." She answers as she takes another bit of pizza.

"I know that but like.....you could have done that through the glass like everyone else." I glance a the glass.

"Yeah well... I'm not like others. I like to be a rebel at times." She leans towards me and whispers the last part and then leans back away from me.

We continue eating our pizza until......

"Hey Nat-" Yelena pauses as she sees Nat and i in the cell eating pizza together. "Your having a pizza date without me!.....no fair.......i love pizza..." She pouts as she walks towards us.

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