001 The Darkness

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Its all I feel. Its all I've ever felt for the past 7 years. The pain worse than before as i disinfect the deep wounds on my arms and legs.

The cold breeze sends shivers on my burning wounds as it seeps through the cracks of the walls of my cell. The light of the moon shines upon me in the darkness of this evil place.

This evil place which has no escape. As the burning becomes worse i start to taste iron in my mouth from biting my lip a bit to hard.

I curl into a ball to keep warm as i don't have much to keep me warm besides the clothes on my back.
I shut my eyes closed as i hear the screams of pain and hopeless help of my cell mates.
Their screams became softer as they are taken away to get experimented or tortured on.

I look out into the beautiful night sky, from the glass window across the room or shall i say cell.
The clouds slowly surround the moon. As if they want to protect it from something.
The beautiful stars twinkle down on this painful place.

How can such evil exist in four walls when theres such beauty just waiting to be seen outside.

The light slowly becoming blur as i drift of to sleep on the ice stone.

"Kat" someone whispers through the tiny hole in the wall.

"Katerina" she whispers alittle louder

The calls of my newest cell mate Mazikeen wake me from my hopeless dreams of escaping this painful place.

"Hmmm" I hum

"Katty" she whispers once more

"Maze?" I say my voice soft and rough

"I taught you were asleep." She says as she sighs in exhaustion

"I was until you woke me" i chuckle in a bit of irritation.

"You got alot of sass for a fourteen year old huh" she states

"Only when im awaken from my sleep by a exhausted 23 year old" i tease

"Haha" she says sarcastically.

"Anyways i just wanted you to know a few things if you want to get out of here" she says

"What makes u think we're getting out of here? Might i remind u what happened to the last guy that tried to escape this hell hole?" I hopelessly sigh.

"Well the last guy didn't hear what i heard and he didn't have the brains let alone know how to fight when he tried to escape" she chuckles

She does have a point.
The last guy who tried to escape used the old fashioned way of picking the cell lock. Once he opened his cell he walked out only to find 20 guards with whips and guns waiting to torture him.

"You got that right" I agree.

"Well as they were bringing me back here, i heard them have a bit of a discussion in Russian about some guys called the 'Avengers' or whatever." She states

"And what does that have to do with escaping?" I question

"Well these guys are ganna break in and fight. So i was thinking that maybe-"

"We use that as a chance to escape!" I cut her off

"Yes." She says

"But Maze where am i ganna go? Where are u ganna go? You have a place to go to.
I don't-" i say

"Don't worry kiddo. Your going to live with me. We will stay together. I have a place out West." She cuts me off

"How are we ganna go West?" I ask

"I know people who will be more than willing to help us out. I just need to make a phone call and boom we're all covered" she says confidently

"Thanks Maze....but i can't give you anything in return. Why are you doing this for me? We literally met a few days ago." I question sadly

She giggles*

"Well one...your a kid. You shouldn't be tortured or be used as a testing subject.
Two...Theres alot of this world you need to see. Not just the 4 grey walls.
Three...I kinda like you so your stuck with me and if i plan on leaving you are coming with me. You deserve so much more than this disgusting food and having people do experiments on you."

"Thanks Maze.... Your a great friend."i say

"Of course im a-"

She gets cut of by the guards unlocking my door.

They pull me harshly off the floor. Their hand so tight against my wounds that i feel like my bones will break. However I don't protest knowing if i do I'll be in more pain than I'm already in.
They strap me to a chair and wheel me down the dark hallway into the experimental laboratory.

We enter the room or as i like to say the place of torture. This is the place that causes all my pain, my nightmares, the sleepless nights.

They unstrap me. They pull me towards the the chains hanging from the ceiling.
Once their done chaining me up Rumlow
the Boss walks in.
I like to refer to him as Rumlow the torturer of little girls and helpless people.

"Why Hello there ex-495. Its been a while" he smirks evilly as he walks up to me.

"Not one to talk i see" he scoffs

The chains shake from the force of his hand as the pain spreads across my face.

"Hi" i say my voice shaky

"Well a greeting means nothing if the person tells you greet them" he grabs my face tightly in his hand.

"Sir i believe we should try the experiment on her first before we torture her. We do not know the effects of this new yet."

"Right" he says as he lets go of my throbbing cheeks.


Thank you so much for reading

Hope you are enjoying it.;)

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